Proposal: A Symbol Idea
enacted 8-1 by chiiika.
Adminned at 04 Jun 2023 10:31:15 UTC
In the subrule “Avatars”, replace this text:
a unique Name
with this text:
a unique Symbol Name as defined in the Symbol Names subrule
and add this paragraph to the end of that subrule:
Any Avatar which does not have valid values for its properties is not considered to be an Avatar by any dynastic rule other than this subrule. If the values of one or more properties of an Avatar are invalid, the Ascendant may set those properties with valid values.
In the rule “Levels of Reality”, add a subrule named “Symbol Names” with the following text:
A Symbol Name is a string with exactly four parts in this order, separated by a space between each part: Size, Condition, Color, and Object. When choosing a Symbol Name, one word for each of these parts must be chosen from any row of the table below to create a valid Symbol Name:
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+Symbol Name Parts
! Size || Condition || Color || Object
| Microscopic || Spinning || White || Star
| Small || Blurry || Magenta || Figure
| Large || Reflective || Onyx || Jewel
| Gigantic || Glowing || Cyan || Tower
| Immense || Shadowy || Grey || Disc
In the subrule “Mindjacking”, replace this text:
exactly matches the name of an Avatar
with this text:
exactly matches the Symbol Name of an Avatar, disregarding upper or lower case differences
Nothing against lemon’s cypher idea, but I think it would be easier to simply restrict the possible set of names. In this world of higher levels of existence, the idea of symbols being keys to the next world seems to fit to me.
Lulu: she/her