Proposal: A thing to cower behind
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 24 Oct 2008 07:37:06 UTC
If the proposal “Duel Core” fails then this proposal has no effect.
Add the following text to “List of Valid Items” in the ruleset:
Wicker Shield (may be abbreviated as WS in the GNDT).
The Wicker Shield is an Armor Item. No Clansman may hold more than one Armor Item. (An Armor Item is any Item whose description in the List of Valid Items states that it is an Armor Item).
If a Clansman is holding the Wicker Shield and participates in a Duel, then the first time that the holder would otherwise take Damage as a result of the opponent’s Punch, Kick or Grab, the Wicker Shield absorbs the damage. As a result, the Wicker Shield is destroyed and removed from the holder’s inventory, and that Punch, Kick or Grab does not cause Damage during that Combat Round
and the following text:
Two-Handed Sword (may be abbreviated as 2S in the GNDT).
The Two-Handed Sword is a Weapon Item. (A Weapon Item is any Item whose description in the List of Valid Items states that it is a Weapon Item).
A holder of a Two-Handed Sword may not Grab in a Duel (and if the holder nonetheless attempts to use the Action “Grab” in a Combat Round, the holder suffers Damage in lieu of any other effects in that Combat Round).
A Clansman must have a Strength of at least 7 and a Skill of at least 7 to Use the Two-Handed Sword in a Duel.
If a holder of a Two-Handed Sword Uses the Two-Handed Sword in a particular Combat Round of a Duel, then the following result happens as a result of the opponent Combatant’s action in that Combat Round:
- If the opponent Combatant Punches, the opponent Combatant suffers double Damage.
- If the opponent Combatant Kicks, then the holder of the Two-Handed Sword suffers Damage.
- If the opponent Combatant Grabs, then the opponent Combatant suffers Damage but the holder of the Two-Handed Sword drops the Two-Handed Sword (it is removed from his inventory) (and the first Combatant to use the Action “Pick up Item” in a subsequent Combat Round in that Duel adds the Two-Handed Sword to his inventory). (If both Combatants use the “Pick up Item” Action in the same Combat round, neither Action is given effect.)
- If the opponent Combatant’s Action is to Use an Item that is a Weapon, then the Combatant with the higher Skill statistic damages the other Combatant (in the case of a tie, neither Combatant is damaged).