Call for Judgment: A Third Option
Failed 9-1. Josh
Adminned at 27 Apr 2010 02:25:34 UTC
Erase all dynastic rules, end the current dynasty, and begin the Sixth Metadynasty. If the game is in Hiatus, end the Hiatus.
Failed 9-1. Josh
Adminned at 27 Apr 2010 02:25:34 UTC
Erase all dynastic rules, end the current dynasty, and begin the Sixth Metadynasty. If the game is in Hiatus, end the Hiatus.
“Blow everything up” is always my default answer. Preferably from orbit.
Seriously, though. Ais’s win was extremely questionable. It’s doubtful that it would have passed if it had been open for voting longer. (Hooray for irony.) Plus, he doesn’t want to be Emperor. Metadynasty seems like a reasonable choice in this situation.
I should point out that the last Metadynasty I was around for was the First, so I didn’t know that proposing Metadynasty is the standard response to these kind of situations. This course of action just seemed sensible.
Idle AGAINST; ais got the DoV to pass somehow, and it preserves the integrity of the game to let him do what he wants now. A passed DoV is pretty much always the final word, even if it is proven to be wrong later on (which has happened multiple times).
Interestingly enough, I don’t think he’s allowed to let it fall to Metadynasty now; he has to either lead the next Dynasty or pass the mantle.
@Darth Of course it matters. This isn’t life, where sometimes things just happen a certain way and there’s nothing you can do. This is nomic, where majority vote changes the laws of the universe. If enough people think it shouldn’t have passed, we can go back in time and unpass it.
Aieya,this is getting so dumb. So Ais won however disgraceful it may have been. Lets just move on
“CoV” ; there’s now a metadynastic option in the “new” dynasty. (Wasn’t thinking of this CFJ when I made it, although it fits pretty well.)
Idle AGAINST! Why is “blow everything up” now the default answer to a controversial DoV