Proposal: A trivial one
Vetoed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 18 May 2011 05:47:15 UTC
Through all the Dynastic Rules, replace the word Sun with the word Water.
I wanted to make a smart proposal but due to lack of ideas I decided to post this.
Vetoed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 18 May 2011 05:47:15 UTC
Through all the Dynastic Rules, replace the word Sun with the word Water.
I wanted to make a smart proposal but due to lack of ideas I decided to post this.
Sun sounds cooler, like we are playing with liquid Light.
From a biologic point of view, plants to not need sun to grow (for an example: there is no sun under the ground), but water is necessary. ;)
But I give a damn on the biology. Sun‘s just cooler, and we could plant sunflowers later. Does anyone knows waterflowers?
CoV. I forgot about sunflowers. They’re in the wiki page with the types of seeds.
I like Sun better. Water should be plentiful (not necessarily unlimited, but I don’t like it being the main “currency”)
(Double post, sorry) Proposal posters who take a long time to type up a proposal in Expression Engine should make sure that the timestamp is accurate before posting (I should know, I’m really slow). This proposal retroactively neuters one that was posted to the blog first!
[hix] sorry, I didn’t think about it.
Trust me, when farming there’s plentyful of sun and always too little water.
At least where I live ;P
I know this proposal predates you announcing the real theme, but vetoing a proposal that has a majority, because it doesn’t match a game that not everyone here has played, isn’t a good route to go down for a fun game of Nomic.
@Kevan: The fact that this rule would also break the proposal directly after it and being that this proposal is admittedly trivial, I didn’t think it would be much of any issue.
Yeah I think this was a bad veto. Not a huge deal perhaps but still.
Kevan: he/him