Proposal: A very minor ruleset fix
Failed by Hix
Adminned at 03 Sep 2007 07:20:24 UTC
Add the following to Rule 1.8, Dynasties:
Unless explicitly stated in the Tokyo’s ascension address, or contradicted by another rule in the ruleset, the Tokyo is always a type of Kaiju God, and may do anything that a Kaiju God may do.
Unless I’m going nuts, that’s currently not explicit. I was wondering whether I could currently join in the exquisite corpse games, but then got to wondering whether I could actually make proposals.
Crap, this proposal may even be illegal.
I don’t think we really need anything this elaborate. The Tokyo is definitely a Kaiju God already. Even if it’s not explicity stated, it is certainly implied just about every time “Tokyo” appears (most notably in the first sentence of Rule 1.9).
If you’re worried, I think it would be best to simply change “Each Dynasty is headed by a single Tokyo” into “Each Dynasty is headed by a single Kaiju God, known as the Tokyo”.