Story Post: A Very Special Auction: Hyphenicus Correcticus
Name: Hyphenicus Correcticus
Level: 11; Brains 4 Brawn 8 Balls 7 Blogging Average 0.17
Favorite Fruit: U+01F347 ?
Country: The Astral Plane of Unicode
Bio: The Commissioner may change bullets to hyphens in the Ruleset. Hyphenicus can be removed from Blogger Roster at any time by the Commissioner.
In 48 hours, these sentences can become Gamestate.
This is an extremely interesting way to attempt to countermeasure my scam.
Is any readable rule-like text in the gamestate actually rules or are they just tokens that look like such?
I’ll read up on the rules in good depth in the next 48 hours to see what would happen (its really late right now for me). I honestly don’t know right now lol, but I’m fascinated to figure it out.