A vote for Ienpw is a vote for *true* nomic
The most fun dynasty I have played since I joined Blognomic (a year ago on Saturday) was definitely the Fifth Metadynasty. At first, I just assumed that its being a dynasty without an Emperor made it more fun, but I later realized that the difference was not the lack of the Emperor, but the style of gameplay. The Fifth Meta had true meta-ness - rules about rules, which is what nomic’s really all about. The rules about rules made for truely interesting and original gameplay, one which did not need a specific theme to sustain it and there was none of this complicated gameplay which seems to be common of late, which meant that we had a dynasty that did not end by collapsing - the dynasty had a good, solid win.
I know I speak for many of you when I say that I simply don’t have time to play a complex, intricate dynasty - it’s why I play Blognomic, not Agora. Some nomickers say there are two types of nomic – one concerned mostly with changing its own rules, and another which is about making a game and playing it, but really, is there anything wrong with combining the two?