Monday, June 11, 2012

Proposal: A Way Out

Illegally edited into a proposal. You can only do this within 15 minutes of making the post and only if there are no comments (Rule 3.2). You’re free to repost this as a proposal, of course.

Adminned at 13 Jun 2012 01:22:16 UTC

In the rule Inventory, under the bullet-point for Counterclockwise Watch, replace the phrase “If A Time Monk both possess,” with “If a Time Monk possesses,” and append the following text to the end of the entry for Counterclockwise Watch:

Any player who occupies a Dynasty that does not have a victory condition may delete all Watches in their inventory to gain a Counterclockwise Watch.

I’m stuck in Dynasty One with nothing to do and no way out. Help!


Clucky: he/him

11-06-2012 23:19:27 UTC

whatever happened to the ‘going back home is free’ move?


11-06-2012 23:24:12 UTC

I don’t think there has ever been such a thing.


12-06-2012 07:27:22 UTC

Note that this is not a proposal. You have to select ‘Proposal’ in the Categories tab in order to make one.