Sunday, October 18, 2009

Proposal: Absent Offenders

Passes 13-0 (or something); Trivial, arthexis is fined 4 points—arth

Adminned at 19 Oct 2009 12:48:59 UTC

To Rule 2.1.2, add:-

Idle Players may be fined as if they were non-Idle players. Such fines can only be processed when the Player ceases to be Idle.

If at least half of the EVCs on this proposal contain the phrase “Fine Arthexis four points”, fine Arthexis four points.

Arthexis idled for 48 hours, during which time two of his proposals failed. I imagine this was an innocent coincidence, but we shouldn’t allow players to dodge bullets by idling.


Josh: he/they

18-10-2009 13:32:38 UTC

for Fine Arthexis four points.


18-10-2009 13:48:12 UTC

Fine Arthexix four Points for Trivial.

I noticed that odd coincidence, as well.


18-10-2009 13:58:13 UTC

for Fine Arthexis four points

Darknight: he/him

18-10-2009 16:11:45 UTC

for Fine Arthexis fiur points. trivial.

@Excal: you misspelled his name


18-10-2009 16:14:54 UTC

Argh, I claim a typo on that one. 
for Fine Arthexis four Points. Trivial.

You misspelt ‘four’, though.

Darknight: he/him

18-10-2009 16:16:33 UTC

Well crap lol.  for Fine Arthexis four points. trivial.

redtara: they/them

18-10-2009 18:55:02 UTC

for Fine Arthexis four points. Trivial.

arthexis: he/him

18-10-2009 19:52:15 UTC

for I agree with the fix, but disapprove on your inability to recognize my malice.

arthexis: he/him

18-10-2009 19:53:14 UTC

BTW, if I go idle for more than 72 hours, you won’t be able to process this fine against me, either :) (thanks for that fix kevan!)


19-10-2009 00:30:52 UTC

for Fine Arthexis four points. Trivial.

Kevan: he/him

19-10-2009 00:41:27 UTC

I was going to add a time extension, but thought I’d keep it simple - if someone starts exploiting it excessively, we can just CfJ them during their 72 hours.

If you want to miss three days of the game for the sake of four points, feel free.


19-10-2009 03:26:24 UTC


ais523: Custodian

19-10-2009 08:15:33 UTC

for I’m not sure about the precedent set by trying to fine idle players, but given that arthexis is back again now, Fine Arthexis four points.


19-10-2009 14:44:11 UTC

for Fine Arthexis four points.  Trivial.


19-10-2009 17:05:32 UTC

@ais523: There is already a precedent.  A player who goes briefly idle to avoid a penalty has it manually applied by proposal/CfJ.


19-10-2009 18:10:07 UTC



19-10-2009 19:25:14 UTC

for Fine Arthexis four points.  Trivial.

arthexis: he/him

19-10-2009 19:42:54 UTC

CoV for Trivial