Proposal: Abundants
Reaches quorum and passes at 10-0 with one unresolved DEF. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 14 Jan 2011 00:36:53 UTC
Add to “Food”:
As a weekly action, an Ant who is Underground may transfer up to 2 food from the Queen to themself.
Add a subrule to “Food”, “Starvation”:
As a weekly action, the Sandbox Master may decrease each Ant’s food, excluding the Queen’s, by one.
When all Ants, including the Queen, have exactly zero food, the colony starves. If this happens, all proposals are failed and all dynastic rules are repealed, and a new dynasty begins with no Sandbox Master.
The weekly decrease should be fairly manageable for now, and will hopefully encourage us to divide the colony’s food intelligently.
Josh: Imperator he/they