Proposal: Accelerated Theft, and the Price of Crime
Can’t reach quorum with 11 votes against. Failed by Kevan. -2 to Spikebrennan.
Adminned at 17 Oct 2009 03:16:27 UTC
If there is a rule entitled “Ruleset Theft”, then:
replace the text in that rule that reads:
As a weekly action, a player may attempt to Steal a Rule.
So long as there is not then Pending a Theft Proposal by the Player in question, and subject to the following, a player may attempt to Steal a Rule.
and set that rule’s Fee to [1 Point] by appropriately adding the label in the ruleset.
In effect, this changes the “weekly action” limitation to “you can always have up to one pending Theft Proposal”.
ais523: Custodian