Proposal: Achievable [Prime] Victory (also [Alpha])
Popular. Josh
Adminned at 11 Mar 2020 23:13:10 UTC
Change the title of the rule entitled Research Victory [Prime] to Humanitarian Assistance Victory [Prime], and change the text of that rule to read as follows:
If an Prime-Oriented Scientist Self Traverses through a portal with which they share a Star Sign while in possession of 132 Turboencabulators then they have achieved victory.
To the list of possible positions in the rule “Position and Prominence [Prime]”, add ‘Astrologer’. Add the following to the bullet point list of actions in the same rule:
* Doing a Reading is a Discrepant Action which can only be taken by an Astrologer: the Upsider’s star sign may be rerolled, and the Downsider’s star sign must be set to No Star Sign.
In the rules Star Signs [Prime] and Star Signs [Alpha], change the text “Once a Scientist’s Star Sign is set it cannot be changed by any means” to say “Once a Scientist’s Star Sign is set it cannot be changed except as described elsewhere in the ruleset”. Change the Source of the Jenkins 0001 portal to the Alpha Universe.
[Josh] Are you sure you want it to say “ possession of 132 Turboencabulators” as opposed to “... in possession of at least 132 Turboencabulators”?![imperial](