Proposal: Achievement Complete!
S/K, Arthexis -2 Score—arth
Adminned at 08 Oct 2009 15:33:31 UTC
Create a new rule called “Achievements”:
There exist a wiki document called “Player Records” which contains an history account of all Completed Achievements, and serves no other purpose. It may not be modified in any manner other than defined in the Dynastic Rules, or through a Call of Judgement.
The sub-rule to this rule called “Catalogue”, which contains a list of non-rules text. Each item on that list is known as an Achievement and contain a name and a condition which can be either True or False for a Player. Whenever an Achievement becomes true for a Player, that a Achievement is said to have been Completed (by that Player) and cannot be Completed again by that Player. Achievements are never retroactive: they can’t be completed due to circumstances that occurred prior to the Achievement being added to the “Catalogue” sub-rule.
Whenever an Achievement is completed, the Player who completed it shall add a line at the beginning of the “Player Records” containing his or her name, the name of the Completed Achievement and the current date (as it appears on the Blognomic front page).
Create a new sub-rule “Catalogue” to rule “Achievements”:
* The Player has created a Proposal that passed with no votes AGAINST.
* The Player has created a Proposal that passed and used all the letters in the English alphabet.
* The Player has voted on 20 Proposals or more.
* The Player has created at least three Proposals that passed.
If people actually want a merit system of some kind, I propose this take on it. Please note that while this creates a wiki document, it is merely for reference (simply by being more accessible than a stickied post or gndt comment)