Story Post: [Act 1] Prologue
Flashback: Man returns home to shocking discovery. Inevitably, gunfights ensue.
Target Body Count: 100 though I expect a timeout.
Current Body Count: 104 for instructions on adding a Scene, plus an example.
I think it’s safe enough having the first Act now that people can only post a single Scene. Continuity won’t be an issue this early on, as it’s all just flashacks and they never make sense in the real movies. Try to make your descriptions fun and interesting - remember all Scenes will be placed on the Act’s wiki page!
New scene:
Title: Romantic drama ends here?
Script: Man finds home apparently empty. Hears gunshots, equips pistol. Guns down three goons in living room, disarms and breaks neck of fourth. Approaches bedroom door…
Body Count: 4
Every film should start like Max Payne.