After opening credits roll: Unidentified character is watching a news report about the plane incident.
Target Body Count: 60
After opening credits roll: Unidentified character is watching a news report about the plane incident.
Target Body Count: 60
Title: Night out.
Script: Buildings nearby begin to collapse also. People run from their homes in fright. Walls tumble from the sheer force. Six friends stroll home after a night in the pub, a quaking giant oak tree topples, one survives, a tall girl with long dark hair, she screams.
Body Count: 5
Total Body Count: 7
(since qwaz’ body count was equal to total at that point, I don’t think that matters?)
Title: Reintroduction of hero.
Script: Hero walks out of crashed plane. Out of other side of plane, man from flashback comes out. Hero and man duel and hero eventually kills man.
Body Count: 1
Total Body Count: 8
Title: Quake Machine
Script: Giant machine emerges from underground, killing one bystander. The man from the prologue is on the machine. Man announces evil plot to cause natural disasters with the machine. Tall girl interferes by throwing tree at man, misses, gets shot.
Body Count: 2
Total Body Count: 9
Reintroduction of hero needs to be removed, as the hero was never on the plane.
Creating a scene involves “rolling DICE5 [...] then posting a comment”, so you haven’t created the scene until you’ve posted the comment. So Darth’s was created earlier.
I guess the lesson here is to reload the comments page right before posting your own. But maybe we could use a rule for being able to retract your own scenes.
... and that was a simulpost, made before I’d read the continuity call.
Maybe it’s a different plane? Act 1 was all flashback, wasn’t it?
Darth’s scene contradicts Act 1 anyway, though.
And the retraction rule would have to force the Scripter who retracts to use the same body count the next time he does something in the act…
I’m agreeing with Rodlen’s dispute, on the ground the hero is in the wrong place (by my interpretation). Plus, I prefer the earthquake machine plot to going back to the plane immediately. Also, is Man that easy to kill? I think not. Continuity failure.
- the unfair Producer
Title: Love Hurts
Script: Man pushes yellow button causing machine to fire lightning from the sky. Lightning hits a nearby pool, frying two lovers during a tender moment.
Body Count: 2
Total body count: 10 (as darths scene was cut)
Title: The Approach
Script: Machine sprouts treads and begins to roll towards nearby city. It rises over the horizon as a family of four in the foreground madly drives away. Man fires a rocket, causing their car to flip and explode. Close-up on man with a hint of a smile on his face.
Body Count: 4
Total body count: 14
Title: The Farmhouse
Script: Cut to a dark farmhouse. An owl hoots. A light comes on in an upstairs window. Cut to front verandah, where a farmer is loading a shotgun and squinting out into the night. The ground begins to shake. With a roar, the machine flattens the farmhouse, killing its four occupants.
Body Count: 4
Total body count: 19 (if Darth’s scene was cut, the total just carries on from Rodlen’s)
Title: Future Sidekick
Script: Seven lost Boy Scouts emerge from woods. Machine attacks. Hero appears with shovel, deflects projectile, saves spikey-haired boy. Boy charges machine, Hero restrains boy.
Body Count: 6 (Rolled five + 1 for popularity)
Total body count: 25
Title: Tactical Retreat
Script: Hidden amidst some foliage the Hero introduces himself as Stewart to his newfound sidekick whom he calls Oliver even though that is not the boy’s name. Stewart fires a flare to signal the awaiting attack helicopters which force the machine back underground suffering one lost chopper and it’s four occupants.
Body Count: 4
Total Body Count: 29
19/03 00:37 (UTC) - Gnauga
This isn’t using DICE5. I think Gnauga’s scene is invalid.
Oliver hears noises in nearby foliage but before Hero is informed, ten goons jump out. Oliver pushes hero over and gets hit with bullets. Hero gets angry at the loss of new friend. He flying kicks one goon, picks up gun and shoots three before hearing faint “Help!” from Oliver.
Body count: 4 (Rolled 5, deducted 1)
Total Body Count: 27 if Gnauga’s is invalid.
Forgot the title so I’m reposting (as the previous one isn’t valid)
Title: Getting even
Oliver hears noises in nearby foliage but before Hero is informed, ten goons jump out. Oliver pushes hero over and gets hit with bullets. Hero gets angry at the loss of new friend. He flying kicks one goon, picks up gun and shoots three before hearing faint “Help!†from Oliver.
Body count: 4 (Rolled 5, deducted 1)
Total Body Count: 27 if Gnauga’s is invalid.
Quoth rule popularity: “Scripters must add their Popularity (regardless of whether or not it is negative) to their roll for number of Bodies in a Scene.”
I rolled a DICE:5 then added one for popularity.
Err… isn’t everything since Rodlen’s call of continuity illegal? Because the act can only be removed from development hell by Devenger? Or is the call of continuity invalid because Rodlen wrote “Oh wait…” before the call?
Ok, I tested to see what happened with Gnauga. The only way he could have got that is to type the exact letters: “HA HA I’M USING DICE:5”
Obviously, it then sorta looked like he had actually rolled a 5, until SB caught it. Gnauga’s scene is invalid. Gnauga, to roll a DICE5 you need to type “DICE5” rather than “DICE:5”
Also, for some reason the GNDT put a black highlight on everything I did that was a legitimate roll. Which is actually pretty cool/useful, now that I think about it. Who programmed that?
I added the black highlight a couple of hours ago. It seems an innocent enough typo on Gnauga’s part.
Title: Establishing motivation
With his dying breath, Oliver tells the Hero about a shadowy government conspiracy he heard about from his scoutmaster. Oliver is shot by a government sniper in a helicopter, which the Hero destroys by throwing a brick at it, killing both occupants.
Body count: 3
Total body count: 30
the copter then procedes to crash on the blockade anihillating the 4 soldiers standing thereupon
body count 4
total 34
Title: Doom on the Horizon
Script: The Heroe turns to look at the machine at it dances across the horizon. The huge contraption extends a terrible claw at an horrorized crowd that attempts to flee. A filament, seemingly made of pure energy is thrusted forward and impales five people in a row: none survives.
Body Count: 5
Total Body Count: 35
Doom on the Horizon depends on the machine being above ground. The helicopters drove it back underground during Jeid’s scene.
Wow, Arts and Rodlens posts seem out of order. But I’m with Rodlen, most movies show when the BBEG pops back up, its never an off screen moment
Ummmm…. if rodlen gets snubbed his scene gets cut and promply f’s up 6 other scenes
It only f’s them up in the sense that we can call continuity on them (although a little shakily, as the sudden appearance of a Machine is more non-sequitur than contradiction); I wouldn’t guarantee that the Producer would back them up.
Would be good to fix that rule, though. Maybe the snubbed Scene stays, but the Producer (or the accused Scripter) gets to rewrite it.
Or maybe the snubbed scene stays, but the Scripter gets no bodies from it.
“If any Scripter feels that one or more Scenes in a non-Finished Act contradict a Scene in a Finished Act, or contradict an earlier Scene in the same Act”
It doesn’t say I’m not allowed to scream about cut scenes, so:
Rod’s scene contradicts mine. The man is on the robot, but earlier the man had just got off the plane.
You can’t call continuity while we’re still in Development Hell. Devenger has to resolve the current continuity issue first.
“Wow, Arts and Rodlens posts seem out of order. But I’m with Rodlen, most movies show when the BBEG pops back up, its never an off screen moment”
I thought that was Dev resolving the issue.
The Producer is somewhat frustrated that people can’t recognise him from his giant glasses, protruding nose and incredibly large pointy hat. Nonetheless, my hands are tied. I feel I should disagree with Rodlen’s call, because arth’s Scene starts with the Hero refocusing his attention on the machine, which suggests that there was sufficient distraction for him to have not noticed up until this point (making the unknowingness of viewers merely an act of sharing in the hero’s shock and annoyance). However, I am taking no decision - the Act will remain in Development Hell until the proposal is passed to prevent Rodlen’s rejection from breaking more continuity.
Rodlen, please be less trigger-happy with the continuity claims. Producers do horrible things to Scripters who slow down production.
- <8^( : The Producer, Devenger
However, the machine had just been brought back underground a few short scenes ago. Maybe a minute had passed, at most.
To be exact, two scenes, one of which was a rather short fight scene and the other being a short dying breath speech followed by a brick.
It would probably take more time than that for the machine, which had to be close enough for the nearby helicopters to drive underground (wait, the machine is in the horizon!?!), to go all the way to the horizon and out of the ground. The helicopters were close enough for the hero to throw a brick at one and hit. Plus, who is the “heroe”?
Some people use “an” before H words. As in, “It’s an honor to meet you, sir.”
I think he is right about the continuity here, unless the machine is very fast, is it?
that puts us back to:
Title: crash and burn
scene: The helicopter then procedes to crash on the blockade, incinerating the 3 soldiers standing thereupon.
body count 3
total 33
Is this the right format for a scene?
Yep, we’re still in development hell. Psycho’s scene doesn’t count, again.
ok sorry, again i’ll work out how all this works eventually, it is ever so slightly confusing.
this machine creates earthquakes, there’s nothing to say it can’t be very fast ;P and who’s to say it hasn’t already created a tunnel network beneath the ground? maybe it’s just an hallucination anyway. ;D
I disagree with Rodlen’s continuity claim. Rodlen loses the Bodies they gained from their scene.
We’re out of Development Hell, people!
yay the helicopter can finally crash
Title: Crash and burn
Script: The helicopter then procedes to crash on the blockade, incinerating the 2 soldiers standing thereupon. In the distance the machine crushes another innocent civilian
body count 3
total 33
Title: Swift Unconsciousness
Script: An unseen object hits Hero in back of head. As he drifts into unconsciousness, an unidentified voice (Cathryn Damon) says something deep and meaningful.
Body Count: 0
Total Body Count: 33
(This scene is automatically cut because the actress in question is dead:
Title: Shadows
Script: A group of unknown shadowy characters are watching the machine on TV. There are some mumbled orders and a muffled argument; five of them storm out, but are shot in the back by the others on the way.
Body Count: 5
Total Body Count: 38
That’s enough. My sanity levels don’t warrant me successfully transferring this onto a wiki page though, and there’s nothing saying I have to do it. Hmmm.
The wiki page for this is wrong. It should not include cut scenes or invalid scenes.
I thought I’d got all the cut and invalid scenes, but feel free to correct any I missed.
The problems:
Gnauga’s “Future Sidekick” should not be included.
arthexis’ “Doom on the Horizon” should be included.
The final Total Body Count should be 43; for some reason, the bodies from “Doom on the Horizon” were not counted.
Title: Quake
Script: Television begins to rattle, then falls and smashes. Ceiling caves in, worker on roof splats to the ground next to unidentified character. Camera pans out, showing said character’s eyes rolling back into head as she dies of fright. Building begins to collapse disastrously.
Body Count: 2