Proposal: Act of Contrition
5-2, timed out. Enacted by Elias IX.
Adminned at 28 Jan 2007 12:14:00 UTC
Tearfully addressing the press conference, the disgraced former champion admitted his past misconduct.
Add a new dynastic rule, entitled “Act of Contrition”, as follows:
At any time, any Olympian with a Popularity of less than zero may make a post to the Blog that states “I request forgiveness” (such post being called a “Request for Forgiveness.” Any Olympian (other than the Olympian who posted the Request for Forgiveness) may post a comment to the Request for Forgiveness, and if such a comment contains the text “I forgive you” (or text having a substantially similar meaning in the discretion of the Coach) (such a comment being called a “Grant of Forgiveness”), then the Olympian who posted the Grant of Forgiveness is awarded either one (1) Popularity point or two (2) TP, as the Olympian chooses. If three (3) or more Olympians post Grants of Forgiveness with respect to a particular Request for Forgiveness, then the Olympian who posted that Request for Forgiveness has eir Popularity reset to zero (0). Any Olympian who posts a Request for Forgiveness (whether or not any Grants of Forgiveness are posted) may no longer attempt to Cheat under Rule 2.3.3 for the remainder of this Dynasty.
I sorta like it….