Proposal: Action Points
Adminned at 15 Sep 2005 06:36:29 UTC
Add an Action Point rule:
Countries shall have a number of Action Points, as listed in the {{GNDT}}‘s AP column.
Whenever the Hegemonist posts a Market Position, e shall increase the current AP of all Countries by 3. E shall also, for each Country, increase the Action Points of that Country 1 for each Territory that Country controls.
In the Market Making sub-rule, change
that Country may issue a Market Order
that Country may spend an Action Point to issue a Market Order
In the Production sub-rule, change:
Often, a Country may increase the Stocks of Commodities it has by the combined Production Capacity of all Territories it controls.
At any time, a Country may spend an Action Point to increase the Stocks of Commodities it has by the combined Production Capacity of all Territories it controls.
Rewrite the three first paragraphs of the Construction rule, so they read:
Countries may construct Buildings at any time. Each Building takes a certain integer amount of Periods to build as well as a certain cost per period. A Building may also require a certain cost to begin its construction. All these amounts may be different for Countries of different Races.
A Country may announce the Constructing of a building on the World page by adding “* Constructing: (name of building), (amount of periods left) periods left” to the world wiki page, under Buildings, and paying the initial cost, if any. A Country may never have more than two Buildings total or more than one in each Territory listed as Constructing at a given time.
At any time, a Country may pay the cost listed for advance the Building’s Construction one Period. Whenever a Country advances a Period in a Building’s Construction, e must subtract 1 from the amount of Periods listed on the World page. When that amount of Periods has reached zero, the Building is considered completed and Operating, and its listing in the World page shall be replaced by “* Operating: (name of building)”,.
Change the cost of a Farm, so it reads:
* Average guys:
** Initial cost: 1 Action Point.
** Cost per Period: 12 metal and 1 Action Point
** Number of Periods: 6 Periods
* Robots:
** Initial cost: 1 Action Point and 15 Metal.
** Cost per Period: 12 metal and 1 Action Point
** Number of Periods: 4 Periods
Give all countries 3 AP.
This messes with the time taken to build stuff.