Proposal: Action then resolution
(Updated by “The Adjustment Adjuster” CfJ.)
Timed out 1 vote to 3. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 05 Oct 2020 11:10:54 UTC
Move the rule Delayed Rules to be a subrule of Dynastic Actions. Add a new subrule to the rule Dynastic Actions, called Push Rules:
Any rule that begins with the text “PUSH:” is considered to be a Push Rule. The contents of a Push Rule are all flavour text. Additionally, if the line of a dynastic rule begins with the text “PUSH:” that line is also considered to be flavour text.
Add the following as the second and third steps in the Generate Time action in the rule Turns:
*Remove the text “PUSH:” from the title of every rule which begins with “PUSH:” and from every line of a dynastic rule where the line begins with “PUSH:”, and then immediately carry out any instructions contained within them.
*If it is Round 6, set the values of all tracked gamestate information (except Topology) for all Islands to their new-player default values, then Erode all Islands, then remove this bullet point from the ruleset
Add a new rule to the ruleset, called PUSH: Timing Reform:
In the rule “Turns”, make the paragraph that starts “Each Island has a Turn Tracker” and the bulleted list that follows it a sub-rule, called “Generating Time”. Then make the paragraph that starts “Once in each Round, each Island may take a Turn” and the bulleted lisy below it a subrule to the rule Turns, called “Initiating a Turn”.
Change the test “Each Island has a Turn Tracker, which is tracked in the Great Sea page of the wiki and is either x or -” to “Each Island has a Turn Tracker, which is tracked in the Great Sea page of the wiki and is either O, LOCKED or X”. Change the Turn Tracker of every Island to O.
Rewrite the rule Initiating a Turn as follows:
Once in each Round, each Island may Initiate their Turn, by sending Gaia the following information by private message:
*The order in which actions will be taken
*The Terrain Dice they intend to roll in that turn
*What changes they intend to make to their Pressure as a result of the Shift action
*Whether they intend to Deposit
*Whether they intend to Adjust (stating if that decision is contingent on the result of a white dice roll)Once an Island has Initiated their Turn they must set their Turn Tracker status to LOCKED.
Add a new sub-rule to the rule Turns, called Resolving Turns:
When every Island’s Turn Tracker status is LOCKED, Gaia must carry out the following atomic action:
*Validate that they have received information (as per the rule Initiating a Turn) from every Island for that round
*Make a post announcing that the Resolution Phase can beginWhen Gaia has posted that a Resolution Phase has begun for a round, each Island must carry out the following atomic action once, at their earliest opportunity:
*Carry out this entire list of Underground Actions in any order:-
**Roll: Randomly select one effect from each of the Terrain Dice they selected in their Turn Initiation message to Gaia for this round, then apply those effects
**Shift: Either increment their Pressure by 1, or set their Pressure to zero, as per the commitment made in their Turn Initiation message to Gaia for this round
**Consume: Check the difference between their Animal Biomass and Foliage scores. If the former is greater than the latter, reduce its Foliage by the difference between the two, to a minimum of zero, with any excess reduction being taken from that Island’s Animal Biomass score instead
**Contain: Roll DICE100. If the result is lower than 3 times their pressure, explode
*Selectively carry out some, all or none of this list of Overground Actions, no more than once each per turn, in any order:-
**Deposit: Add a new level with 0 land to the bottom (end) of their topology, , as per the commitment made in their Turn Initiation message to Gaia for this round
**Adjust: Perform an Adjustment as per the rule Adjustments, as per the commitment made in their Turn Initiation message to Gaia for this round
*Set their own Turn Tracker to X and make a post to the blog summarising their TurnIslands must honour the commitments made in their Turn Initiation messages to Gaia. If Gaia notices that an Island has resolved their turn in a way that contravenes the commitment that the Island made in their Turn Initiation message then they should set the Turn Tracker for that Island to LOCKED until such a time as the turn resolution has been completed compliantly.
Repeal this rule.
If the Turn Tracker of all Islands is x then remove PUSH: from the title of the rule PUSH: Timing Reform and immediately carry out its instructions.
Kevan: he/him
If this is addressing the “nobody wants to be the first to take a turn” problem, waiting for Round 4 to finish seems unnecessary - would be easier to just declare all Round 4 moves invalid and roll it back.
Don’t we also need to precommit the order of all these actions? There may still be some advantage in waiting for everyone else to resolve theirs before you resolve yours.