Proposal: Actions [Trivial]
5-0, timed out. Enacted by Saurik.
Adminned at 26 Dec 2005 13:28:26 UTC
Summary: Adds headings to Actions, fixes Trade request mechanism.
Rewrite Rule 2.7, entitled Actions to
Protagonists may take the Actions listed below in order to change the current gamestate. Each Action takes a certain amount of game time to complete, which is described in terms of Steps, which are tracked in the GNDT. Each time a Protagonist takes an Action, e must increase eir Steps value by the amount given for that Action. New Protagonists start with a Steps value of 0.
The list of acceptable actions is below:
A Protagonist may often change eir Location field from its current value to one whose name corresponds to one of the Exits of eir current location. A Protagonist may not move to a location that does not have a defined Maximum Occupancy, Description, and Exits. Performing this Action adds 5 to a Protagonist’s Steps, unless otherwise indicated.===Trade===
A Protagonist (hereinafter known as the Requester) may often make a request to switch eir Item Held with another Protagonist’s (hereinafter know as the Requestee) Item Held, even if either Item is a null value. This request must be made visible to all Protagonists, either in the Threads page of the Wiki or as a post on the Blognomic home page. If the Requestee accepts the trade request within 24 hours, the trade takes place and the ItemHeld fields of the Requester and the Requestee are switched. If the trade request is rejected, or is not accepted within 24 hours, no GNDT fields are changed. Untradeable items may not be given to other Protagonists in this way.