Friday, October 28, 2011

adaptable proposal

For the rest of this proposal the term ‘WikiPage’ refers to the edit of WikiPage by Amnistar with the Comment ‘Final Draft’. If multiple edits of WikiPage exists by Amnistar with the Comment ‘Final Draft’ this proposal has no effect. If this proposal is enacted re-calculate votes only counting EVC made after the date of WikiPage’s edit, if this new vote would result in the proposal failing, this proposal has no effect. If the date of the edit of WikiPage is more than 24 hours after this proposal was posted, this proposal has no effect. Enact the text of WikiPage

Would I work?



28-10-2011 16:08:19 UTC

Probably, even if you use edit instead of version and “made after the date of WikiPage’s edit” refers to a day and not to a moment.
And you make the votes control when the proposal is already going to be enacted.
I would still vote against.
It looks like not that useful, and I need more clicks to get to the actual proposal.

Amnistar: he/him

28-10-2011 16:29:00 UTC

It wouldn’t be that much clicking. A single link to the silo article in the proposal would be enough.

Amnistar: he/him

28-10-2011 16:35:05 UTC

And the vote thing is designed to prevent people from pushing the proposal through early and give people 24 hours to view the proposal in its final form.

Kevan: he/him

28-10-2011 16:48:23 UTC

Nice thinking, but I suspect most people would just hold off on voting until the final version was posted. Except if everyone did that, it would boil down to “Amnistar makes a second proposal which times out after just 24 hours”, which is a bit ominous, so people would vote against from the start and CoV later. I’m not sure you’d get a quorum or a majority very easily.

Amnistar: he/him

28-10-2011 16:53:52 UTC

Hopefully people would participate in making the proposal better…

Kevan: he/him

28-10-2011 16:59:14 UTC

Sure, but they still have to decide how to (or whether to) vote during that time.

Amnistar: he/him

28-10-2011 17:00:59 UTC

Voting for prior to draft being finalized would have no effect.

Kevan: he/him

28-10-2011 17:20:29 UTC

Those votes are still counted to see if the proposal passes or fails at all. If you hand me a proposal and explain that it will be reworded 24 hours later, the pragmatic reaction would be to vote AGAINST - I can always change my vote when I see the actual rewording, and if by chance I’m not around 24 hours later (or simply forget to vote), then I haven’t waved anything dangerous through by effectively giving it a 24-hour timeout.

I just get the feeling that your proposal would end up with too many pragmatic AGAINST votes still stuck to it at the end, so this wouldn’t really be a workable draft system.


28-10-2011 17:53:28 UTC

Admins could cause the proposal to do nothing by deleting WikiPage.

ais523: Custodian

28-10-2011 18:25:40 UTC

There is a scam here. I’d rather keep it secret, though.

Also, why not just not submit the proposal until you finish drafting it?

Amnistar: he/him

28-10-2011 18:31:41 UTC

The idea was to create a way to craft sk actual proposal that could develop from community input then be voted on.

Bucky, does that eliminate the entire page and its history?  If so than damn.

Ais, I’m curious what the scam is, I was trying not to make it abusable. Is it preloading Tue final draft and hoping people don’t read it?