Proposal: Add Bunana to the turn order
Add Bunana to the end of the turn order twice.
Hopefully this makes up for a late start.
Add Bunana to the end of the turn order twice.
Hopefully this makes up for a late start.
Counter-point to “maybe two turns is too much” is that on a second turn in the same Rounds, Bunana would not have gained any more Sprint or Energy, so their second turn in that same round would be at reduced capacity (or spread over both turns, both would be reduced capacity turns).
But I do agree that this should be re-worded to simply “Add Bunana to the end of Turn Order twice”.
The second sentence doesn’t work – a proposal can’t create a lasting effect without changing gamestate or changing a rule.
I’d suggest that this should just add you to the turn order twice. (However, rounds 1 and 2 were less powerful in terms of what you could do than round 3, so you aren’t starting so far behind the rest of us – maybe two turns is too much.)