Proposal: Adjusting Votable Matters
Reached quorum. 19-0. ~~Chronos Phaenon
Adminned at 30 Oct 2011 12:23:41 UTC
Rename Rule “Voting” to “Votable Matters”
Delete the Appendix entry named “Votable Matter”.
Add the following text as the first Paragraph of Rule “Votable Matters”:
A Votable Matter is a post which Players may cast Votes on, such as a Proposal, a Call for Judgment or a Declaration of Victory.
Move the following text from Rule “Votable Matters” to a new subrule of Rule “Proposals”, named “Special Proposal Voting”
If a Player Votes against their own Proposal, this renders the Proposal self-killed and that Vote may not be changed.
A Vote of DEFERENTIAL is a Vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Emperor. The Vote will count as the same as the Emperor’s Vote. If the Emperor casts a Vote of DEFERENTIAL on a Proposal, it serves the purpose of cancelling any previous Vote on that Proposal that was cast by the Emperor and counts as an explicit Vote of abstention. If there is no Emperor, or the Vote is made by the proposal’s author on their own proposal and the Emperor does not Vote on it, a Vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit Vote of abstention, and has no effect except possibly to void earlier voting icons by that voter on that proposal.
If no Emperor has Voted on a Proposal, a Vote of DEFERENTIAL on that proposal does not count as a Vote for the purposes of rule “Resolution of Proposals”.
Delete the following text from Rule “Proposals”:
Proposals can either be Pending, Enacted, or Failed. When a Proposal is first put forward, it is considered Pending.
Add the following text to Rule “Votable Matters”:
Votable Matters can either be Pending, Enacted, or Failed. When a Votable Matter is first put forward, it is considered Pending.
In Rule “Calls for Judgement”, substitute “Unfailed CfJs” with “Pending CfJs”
Delete the following text from Rule “Resolution of Proposals”:
Whenever an Admin marks a proposal, CfJ, or DoV as enacted or failed, they must also mark their name, and report the final tally of Votes (or the fact that it was self-killed or vetoed).
Add the following text to Rule “Votable Matters “:
Whenever an Admin marks a Votable Matter as enacted or failed, they must also mark their name, and report the final tally of Votes (or the fact that it was self-killed or vetoed).
Move Rule “Resolution of Proposals” so it becomes a new subrule of rule “Proposals”.
Remove any numerical references to other Rules in Rule “Involuntary Representation Service”, leaving only the references to those Rules’ titles.
Again, mostly just shifting things around, to pave the road for further simplification.
scshunt: Idle