Friday, October 21, 2011

Adminning of the CotC CfJ was invalid

The against vote from rebelyellow is arguably invalid (dispute about registration validity), and coppro is listed as having not voted, which is blatantly untrue; the tally and the outcome are different, and the CfJ has not yet reached quorum.

Please undo.


Amnistar: he/him

21-10-2011 15:23:13 UTC

CfJ do not get automatic for votes from the author.


21-10-2011 15:25:21 UTC

coppro has not voted.


21-10-2011 15:25:50 UTC

as for rebelyellow, feel free to CfJ it… ;)

Roujo: he/him

21-10-2011 15:26:55 UTC

I think they do. They are a Votable Matter, and Votable Matters get automatic FOR votes. If I’m not mistaken, anyway.

Amnistar: he/him

21-10-2011 15:28:08 UTC

Although the important thing is qourum is 24 now, not 23. And was prior to enactment.

Roujo: he/him

21-10-2011 15:28:31 UTC

Glossary entry for Votable Matter:

A post which Artists may cast Votes on, such as a Proposal, a Call for Judgment or a Declaration of Victory.

Rule 1.5, Voting:

If the Artist who authored a Votable Matter has not cast a Vote on it, their Vote is counted as FOR.

ais523: Custodian

21-10-2011 15:29:19 UTC

Amnistar, Chronos: CFJs do get automatic FOR votes from the author. Did you reread the core rules since you unidled? They’ve changed somewhat since you last saw them, I imagine.

Amnistar: he/him

21-10-2011 15:30:02 UTC

Apparently. That wouldnt change the resolution though. The qourum change does.


21-10-2011 15:30:09 UTC

[Amnistar] At the moment of I failed it, there were 45 Artists in play, making quorum 23.


21-10-2011 15:32:09 UTC

Nobody has registered or unidled since the failing, so that’s not true, unless I’m missing something.

Regardless, the tally is completely wrong, and the adminning is therefore invalid; reverse it.


21-10-2011 15:33:09 UTC

[ais523] You’ve got a point. Though I’ve reread the ruleset a couple of times before failing the CfJ, I’ve missed that point. I’m editing the failing announcement to reflect that.


21-10-2011 15:34:34 UTC

[zuff] I’ll not reverse. Feel free to CfJ it if you disagree. The only error in the count was coppro’s presumed vote, which I’m already fixing.


21-10-2011 15:44:46 UTC

Just to make it clear, Phantom Hoover was not in the player rooster while I was admining the CfJ. He was brought into play by Rodney just after I failed the Cfj.


21-10-2011 15:46:48 UTC

Well, he voted before it was adminned; whether that was after you started working on it or not is immaterial. What matters is that quorum was higher than you were going by when you saved the adminning.


21-10-2011 15:47:04 UTC

Someone else reversed it. Quorum may have been 23 when Chronos began enacting it, but going strictly by timestamps, quorum was 24. (It was adminned at 21 Oct 2011 15:11:51 UTC, and quorum became 24 at 15:04:49 UTC.)

Roujo: he/him

21-10-2011 15:47:05 UTC

Yeah, you don’t need to make a post to idle/unidle. You just have to make an admin know you want to be unidled, which can be done via post, comment, IRC, PM, email, whatever. Carrier pidgeons would work as well. =)


21-10-2011 15:48:02 UTC

Also, the vote from lass is invalid. She voted before being added as a player, so the CfJ wasn’t actually at 23 against, either.


21-10-2011 15:51:09 UTC

Coppro has unfailed it on a more solid way: lass’s vote was not valid, since it was cast before he was included as a player.

Game on. ;) arrow