Saturday, August 24, 2019

Story Post: Advanced Weaponry


“Negotiations have failed. And frankly, I’m almost relieved. This ‘Captain’ appears to be something of a deranged sociopath; I’ve no idea why he wants to be on noble Blue Side.” Thunder’s voice crackled over the intercom. Having concluded his report, he returned to TyGuy6’s ready room.

“I take my leave of you now, good sir. If there can be no extension of your deadline, there neither can be any leniency with regard to our rejection of your terms. You have provided no evidence for your outlandish claims, and neither the Admiral nor any faction, aside from ours, appear to be willing to acquiesce to your steep demands. If there is nothing more, I shall return to my Vessel.”

TyGuy6 returned his tricorn hat to the peak of his balding head, and leaned upon his fists. “I shouldn’t bother, if I were you. I’ve just now sent the Order. And, because I like you, I’ve done so while you’re at the epicenter of my sixty-mile wide hurricane of destruction.”

And indeed, as Thunder’s men began packing into the pinnace for their return trip to Blue borders, a droning hum began slowly to fill the air. Thunder looked up to the sun-reddened sky, and saw…

“BEHOLD, the devastation of the Auto-Reapers!”


Kevan: City he/him

24-08-2019 20:26:04 UTC

Look forward to seeing what actually happens here.

I’d enjoy a rule saying that any scam could be overruled unless it had a hubristic supervillain speech delivered a few hours in advance.

Thunder: he/him

24-08-2019 21:38:22 UTC



24-08-2019 21:42:35 UTC

[Thunder] what does that voting icon mean?

Thunder: he/him

25-08-2019 17:10:42 UTC

It was used in some old dynasties as a “good flavor” icon. It seemed appropriate, so I reused it for this post.