Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Adventure: Plunder I

Ahoy! I now give ye all permission, now that I’ve decided to set anchor and dock at port, to go ‘round the town and take what ye can!

I don’t even have t’ declare t’ me crew that we’re at port, cos’ arrr, that legislation ‘asn’t passed yet!

Plunder that booty, arrr! This is what being a Swashbuckler is all about! And ye are all capable of it, I know. This be one o’ the most basic things of being a pirate, matey!

Danger: 1
Reward: 80+DICE40
Location: Ashore



25-01-2006 14:12:34 UTC

Aye aye, cap’n! (result: DICE1:1. Damn I’m lucky…)


25-01-2006 15:26:02 UTC

Aye! (DICE1:1)


25-01-2006 15:29:32 UTC

Arr, count me in, do I really have to roll DICE1?


25-01-2006 17:21:35 UTC

Yarr, me DICE1:1. The plunderin’ be good.


25-01-2006 18:24:07 UTC

Success!  But just barely.  It’ll take a while being ashore before I get me land legs back.


25-01-2006 19:17:49 UTC

Arr count me in.  DICE1 == 1 by definition, so I ain’t rollin’ it.

Good choice of target, cap’n!


25-01-2006 19:29:45 UTC

Yes! DICE1:1.
This be the happiest day o’ my life cap’n.

The Lone Amigo:

25-01-2006 21:03:26 UTC

Yarrr! Success!

‘tis a sight for sore eyes, all that plunder.

Angry Grasshopper:

26-01-2006 00:38:30 UTC

Arr, plunder! DICE1:1

Kevan: he/him

26-01-2006 01:59:43 UTC

Avast! DICE1:1.


Josh: Imperator he/they

26-01-2006 12:51:24 UTC

Yarr, I’ll be swilling grog in no time!



27-01-2006 21:17:03 UTC

I comes a’runnin out of the slime-pit we call crew’s quarters and pop me’self over the side o’the ship to join ye!


Elias IX:

27-01-2006 21:29:48 UTC

It be time for me t’ join the plundering o’ this port city!

DICE 1:1
