Proposal: Agitating the slaves
Reaches quorum and passes, 6-0. Josh
Adminned at 20 Apr 2012 03:04:18 UTC
Amend the effect of the Slave Pits in the list of Institutions so that it reads as follows:
No Credits may be directed to the Slave Pits. When specifying Directions to the Net, a Player may specify an Institution against which they are Agitating. When a player Influences the Slave Pits, if the Player specified an Institution to Agitate against, then Institution becomes a target of Slave Riots - a status that is tracked privately by the Net. They also gain 2 Power and 2 Credits.
Add the following to the end of the rule entitled Institutions:
Immediately before Player would Influence an Institution that is the target of Slave Riots, 1 Marine or 5 Credits (taking whichever penalty corresponds to the resource allocated to the institution) is lost from their resources and removed from their allocation. If, subsequently, they no longer have sufficient resources allocated to that Institution for that cycle to Influence it, then the Institution is uninfluenced and remains the target of Slave Riots, but if they still have sufficient resources allocated to Influence the Institution then it is Influenced as normal and the Slave Riots are dispersed. No more than one Institution may be the target of Slave Riots at any time; if a Player causes an Institution to be the subject of Slave Riots, then any other Institution with that status no longer has it.