Proposal: Agora-style Unidling Scam Lockout
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 27 Sep 2015 14:06:50 UTC
If the last paragraph of the rule “Attitudes” contains either of the phrases “rendered themselves idle” or “Prison is in Lockdown”, repeal that paragraph.
Create a new rule, “Getting To Know Us”:
Whenever a Prisoner joins or unidles, that Prisoner may not perform daily or weekly actions defined in a dynastic rule for 48 hours.
Create a subrule of that rule, “School of Hard Knocks”:
Attacks against a Target who joined or unidled in the previous 48 hours may be created at any time, instead of than counting against a daily or weekly action limit.
Throwing this out there to see what people think. I wouldn’t mind if this gets voted down – it’s kind-of out of character for BlogNomic – but am interested to know whether this sort of mechanic could be successful as an alternative way to stop idling-based scams.
Kevan: he/him