Tuesday, January 14, 2025

ais523 and Josh are in a Coregency

I think since ais523 posted the DoV, it is up to them to post the AA:

the Snail who posted the DoV becomes Jury

Once the Dynastic Reset atomic action has been performed, the Coregency clause of Race 5 will become ruletext and take effect.

Note to ais523: the “Victory and Ascension” text has changed a bit since you were last active.



14-01-2025 16:29:56 UTC

I agree that legally, it has to be me who posts the AA.

I need to discuss the theme with Josh, but hopefully it won’t be too long before the AA is posted.


14-01-2025 18:41:04 UTC

Update: we’re going to most likely start the dynasty some time during tomorrow afternoon UTC, as that’s the first moment when we’ll both be able to properly focus on it.


14-01-2025 18:59:36 UTC

Hmm, just as a general question, how should coregencies be numbered? I was assuming “first coregency of ais523 and Josh” as neither of us has been in a coregency before, but it might make sense to fit it into the dynasty numbering system instead.

JonathanDark: he/him

14-01-2025 19:32:44 UTC

Josh proposed an alternative in Discord:

It occurs to me that the way we allocate dynasties after a coregency is questionable
There’s only one example - The First Coregency of Diabecko and card
Diabecko never had another dynasty but card had two more - the First and Second of card
I feel like it should have gone to second and then third - the Coregency was card’s first dynasty as Emperor and the subsequent numbering should reflect that
For real-world examples, see the Coregency of Ferdinand II and Isabella I in Spain - Isabella II went on to be Queen of Spain later, continuing the numbering on the assumption that Isabella I was a ‘proper’ monarch in her own right
Or in the UK, where William III and Mary II served as Co-Regents, succeeded later by William IV

So, the Coregency wouldn’t have its own numbering, but instead would include the current numbers for you and Josh as part of the title, in his proposed scheme.

Josh: he/they

15-01-2025 08:51:48 UTC

I’ve set it up in the wiki as The Coregency of ais523 the Eighth and Josh the Twenty-Third but open to discussion on it.

Kevan: he/him

15-01-2025 10:41:41 UTC

I think “the (Xth) Coregency of Y and Z” would be more in keeping with the history and parlance so far; that it’s the dynasties that get numbered, rather than the Emperors. We can remember to increment the dynasty counts when either of you win another.

No objection to counting Coregencies and renumbering Card’s with appropriate footnotes. Should we retroactively rename old dynasties where the Emperor has since changed their name, while we’re at it?

Josh: he/they

15-01-2025 12:11:13 UTC

Sure, fine by me - the ‘x the yth’ formulation is clunky at best.