Proposal: Aisle Seven
reached quorum 6-0 enacted by card
Adminned at 04 Sep 2018 07:26:08 UTC
Enact a new rule, “Cleanup Proposals”:-
If a proposal has the [Cleanup] tag, it is known as a Cleanup Proposal. Cleanup Proposals ignore the “unless the Ape already has 2 Proposals pending, or has already made 3 Proposals that day” clause of the Proposals rule, and do not count as Proposals for the purposes of it. An Ape may not make more than two Cleanup Proposals per day.
If a Cleanup proposal would do anything other than fixing small errors, problems and layout issues in the ruleset, Apes should vote against it.
Allowing players to make boring ruleset fixes without losing a slot or having to tag them on as riders to other proposals. (We’ve only just managed to fix a list being numbered NULL-1-2-NULL-3-4-5-6-7-5, and the attempt would have failed if its carrier proposal had raised unrelated objections.)
Lulu: she/her