Friday, January 17, 2025

Proposal: All Criminals Need Good Paperwork

Reaches quorum with 6-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 18 Jan 2025 06:32:31 UTC

Rename Timing {I} to Heists {I} and move the following rules to be subrules of it:
Tools of the Trade {M}
Oversight {M}
Identity Theft {M}

Move the following rule to be a subrule of The Vault {I}:
Bolted to the Ground {M}

Move the following rule to be a subrule of Definitions {I} if it exists, or Teams and Targets {I} otherwise:
EFF Words {I}

Move The Bank{M} to be a subrule of The Crew {M}.

Move Definitions {I}, if it exists, to be the first dynastic rule.
Move The Vault {I} with its subrule(s) to be directly before Heists {I}
Move Roles {I} with its subrule(s) to be directly after Heists{I}

The rules are feeling a little cluttered so I’m thinking we house some related rules together.


JonathanDark: he/him

17-01-2025 16:59:45 UTC

I wonder if we should also rename “Timing {I}” to “Heists {I}” as a reflection that the rule and its subrules describe more than timing.

ais523: Custodian

17-01-2025 17:00:16 UTC

I think EFF Words should be a subrule of Definitions (or even just merged with the Definitions rule), if that proposal is enacted.

It might also make more sense in some cases to reorder the ruleset rather than making subrules, although I don’t have concrete suggestions.

SingularByte: he/him

17-01-2025 17:08:46 UTC

Done, done and done.

Josh: he/they

17-01-2025 17:13:18 UTC

THANK you, I was just about to do the same.

JonathanDark: he/him

17-01-2025 21:15:39 UTC


ais523: Custodian

17-01-2025 21:18:12 UTC


Josh: he/they

17-01-2025 21:54:15 UTC



17-01-2025 22:59:01 UTC


Brendan: he/him

18-01-2025 01:05:52 UTC
