Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Proposal: All Riot

Reaches quorum and passes, 6-0. Josh

Adminned at 09 Sep 2015 09:20:39 UTC

Rename the rule “Release” to “Riot”, and reword it from:

If all Prisoners who are not Injured have a SHIV score of 99, and exactly one of those Prisoners is a Fish, then that Fish may Declare Victory.


If all Prisoners who are not Injured have a SHIV score above 50, and exactly one of those Prisoners is a Fish, then that Fish has achieved victory.

To “Shivving”, add:-

If a Prisoner has a higher SHIV score than exactly one other Prisoner and no others, then they may Peer Pressure that other Prisoner, setting that Prisoner’s SHIV score to match their own.

Lowering the SHIV cap for the endgame, and adding a mechanic to stop a new Prisoner (or Walk) from slowing it back down.


Josh: he/they

08-09-2015 11:41:56 UTC

Walks won’t slow it down as the beneficiary will be Injured, and so comes out of calculation anyway, but the lower cap seems good.  for


08-09-2015 13:58:45 UTC



08-09-2015 14:01:56 UTC



08-09-2015 14:33:02 UTC

99 seems like a long way to go, but 50 is achievable.


08-09-2015 16:48:58 UTC

Note: ” that that other Prisoner,” is an obvious error (double that) and needs to be corrected on enacting.

Josh: he/they

08-09-2015 18:50:25 UTC

Actually Kevan can correct it in his own pending proposal freely.

Kevan: he/him

08-09-2015 19:15:30 UTC

Good point. Done.

Darknight: he/him

08-09-2015 21:14:12 UTC
