Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Proposal: All Soldiers are Stuntpeople

13-0 after 12 hours.

Soldiers are expected to perform Admirably in Combat during this War, thus it is encouraged that all Soldiers begin practicing stunts.

That is all.

General Amnistar

Adminned at 12 Feb 2009 11:06:37 UTC

Soldiers aren’t just nameless men-o’-war. They are ACTION HEROES, obviously. So they do awesome stuff, for a bit.

Create a new dynastic rule called ‘Action Points’, with the following text:

Each Soldier has a number of ‘Action Points’ (abbreviated as AP), tracked in the GNDT. New Soldiers start with 1 AP.

Create a new dynastic rule called ‘Action Movie Stunts’, with the following text:

As a daily action, a Soldier who is not Dead may perform a ‘Stunt Action’ by (in order) spending 1 AP, selecting a Stunt from the Stage Directions (defined in sub-rule ‘Stage Directions’) for which they meet the ‘Prerequisites’, then performing the ‘Results’ of the Stunt.

Create a sub-rule to the dynastic rule ‘Action Movie Stunts’ titled ‘Stage Directions’, with the following text:

Each possible Stunt is a sub-rule of this rule. Each Stunt has the following attributes:

* Name: Text; the title of the sub-rule
* Prerequisites: Text describing conditions that need to be met in order to perform the Stunt. The Soldier attempting to perform the stunt is referenced as the ‘Stuntperson’.
* Results: Text describing what takes place when the Stuntperson performs the Stunt.

Create a sub-rule to the rule ‘Stage Directions’, titled ‘Second Wind’, with the following text:

Prerequisites: The Stuntperson’s Health statistic is below 5.
Results: The Stuntperson’s Health statistic becomes 5.

This is an uninspiring first stunt because there are no combat rules yet. I’m thinking this would be mainly for special combat actions.



11-02-2009 23:59:57 UTC


Darknight: he/him

12-02-2009 00:00:53 UTC



12-02-2009 00:01:20 UTC



12-02-2009 00:01:59 UTC

Additional point: suggest awesome stunts in comments!


12-02-2009 00:05:35 UTC



12-02-2009 00:18:39 UTC


Name: First Aid
Prerequisites: The Stuntperson chooses a Soldier whose Health Statistic is below 7.
Results: The chosen Soldier’s Health Statistic is increased by 2.


12-02-2009 00:23:52 UTC

Name: Last Ditch Effort
Prerequisites: The Stuntperson’s Health Statistic and AP are 1.
Results: The Stuntperson may perform two Stunt Actions without spending AP, provided those Stunt Actions are taken within 1 hour of using this Stunt Action.

arthexis: he/him

12-02-2009 00:25:04 UTC

imperial Seems complex

Clucky: he/him

12-02-2009 02:20:18 UTC


Amnistar: he/him

12-02-2009 02:35:02 UTC

Name: Death Angel
Prerequisites: The Stuntperson’s Health Statistic at or below 0.
Results: The stuntperson may cause any one Enemy Combatants status to be Dead.



12-02-2009 02:43:33 UTC

Name: Meals Rejected by Ethiopians (MREs)
Prerequisites: None.
Results: The Stuntperson’s Health Statistic is decreased by one.


12-02-2009 08:05:13 UTC

Surely, Amni, that would be impossible as if your health is <= 0 you are Dead, and if you are Dead you can’t stunt - perhaps you should always get one stunt when you enter the Dead state?

SingularByte: he/him

12-02-2009 10:59:50 UTC


Kevan: he/him

12-02-2009 11:08:32 UTC


ais523: Custodian

12-02-2009 12:36:44 UTC


Name: Heroic Rescue
Prerequisites: Another Soldier’s Health dropped to 0 within the last 2 hours
Results: That Soldier’s Health increases to 1, and that Soldier Withdraws from any Skirmish they might be in at the time

Elias IX:

12-02-2009 15:27:18 UTC


Amnistar: he/him

12-02-2009 15:54:48 UTC

touche Dev; Requisite should be health is set to 0 or less, and then the action can be taken.

Wooden Squid:

12-02-2009 17:48:29 UTC

for awesome