Proposal: All together now!
Timed Out 2-5
Adminned at 04 Aug 2007 09:59:00 UTC
Add a dynastic rule called ‘Dance Groups’ containing the following text:
Monkeys are cooperative creatures by nature and as such like to dance in groups. Weekly, a Monkey may make a post to the blog entitled ‘X (Dance Group)’, where X is the name of the proposed Dance Group. No proposed Dance Group may have the same name as any existing group. The post shall contain the names of all the Monkeys the proposing Monkey wishes to join the Dance Group. Those Monkeys may then comment to it and say whether they wish to join or not. If all Monkeys wish to join then that group is now Formed, with the Monkey who proposed it becoming its Leader and all the other Monkeys becoming its Members. If not all Monkeys wish to join, the proposing Monkey may choose either to form a group from those who do wish to join or to abandon the group altogether. If they choose the former, the Dance Group becomes Formed as with a complete Dance Group. Any Member of a Formed Dance Group may add their group’s name and list of Members to the Monkey Dynasty Gamestate Documents page.
In addition to forming a new Dance Group, Monkeys may also join an existing group. To do so, they make a post to the blog stating the group they wish to join. The Members of the stated group may then vote on whether they want that Monkey in their group. In such votes, a vote of DEFERENTIAL is considered to be the same as the Leader’s vote and a vote of VETO by the group Leader is considered to prevent the Monkey from joining (although they may attempt again later). If more than half of the votes are FOR, the Monkey becomes a Member of the Dance Group. Monkeys may leave the Dance Group they are in at any time by removing their name from the group’s list of Members. If the Leader leaves the group, it ceases to exist. No Monkey may be a Member of more than one Dance Group at once. Membership of groups is lost when going idle, and on unidling Monkeys must redo the joining procedure if they wish to retain membership.
Add a subrule to the rule ‘Dance Rules’ called ‘Benefits’ containing the following text:
As a bonus, Members of a Dance Group receive an additional number of Dance Moves equal to the number of group Members, divided by two, rounded up. If the number of Members changes, all Members should update their Dance Moves accordingly. If a Member fails to update their Dance Moves, the Leader of their group may do it for them.
Kevan: he/him
Big rule for a simple concept. Can’t we just have a GNDT field of “dance group”?