Call for Judgment: Allocation shenanigans
Quorum of AGAINST votes
Failed by Hix
Adminned at 10 Jul 2007 09:20:22 UTC
At 17:46 yesterday, Chronos—one of my Subsidiaries—destroyed one of their own Factories, rendering my Production overallocated. They then proceeded to Advance Time, and used the Government’s privilege of adjusting overallocated Production values (since my 10% of their Production was now smaller) to cause me to build 52 Factories, where I had intended to build 0.
It’s a good scam, but it’s clearly against the spirit of the rule, which was intended to keep people from overproducing, not to give the person Advancing Time total arbitrary control over anyone who misses a point. (Said scam also makes the 10% rule completely pointless, as any Subsidiary can just pull the same scam if their Parent bothers to allocate their cut.)
If this Call passes, revert my GNDT stats to pre-Time-Advancement levels, and change “adjust” to “reduce” in the paragraphs beginning “The Government may Advance Time” and “If over 48 hours have passed” in the rule “Production.”
Clucky: he/him