Proposal: Alternative Medicine
Passed 11-0. Brendan
Adminned at 09 Nov 2007 07:12:43 UTC
To Rule 2.3.5 (The Doctor), add:-
During the daytime, the Doctor may, as a Daily Action, tend to a wounded Villager by posting a blog entry to this effect, describing the treatment being given. If a nighttime has passed since making such a post, the Doctor may comment on the post to call again on the wounded Villager - having done so, the treated Villager becomes Healthy, if they are still Wounded.
Reword Rule 2.3.11 (The Apothecary) to:-
If it is daytime, and he is alive, the Apothecary may, as a Daily Action, create one vial of an Elixir of any type. If the Elixir is of a type that has not been produced before, he must decide whether it is a medicine or a poison (and if it is a poison, whether it is a strong or weak poison, and of the poison’s susceptible group), and privately inform the Mayor of these decisions. The Mayor may not reveal this information to anyone. Upon creating an Elixir, it is added to the Apothecary’s inventory.
Rename Rule 2.4.2 (Poison) to “Elixirs”, and reword it to:-
Various elixirs may be brewed - some are medicinal, while others are poisonous. Any living villager who has an elixir in his inventory may drink it by informing the Mayor and removing it from his inventory.
If the elixir was a medicine and the drinker is Wounded, the drinker will be made Healthy.
If the elixir was a poison, it has a 3 in 4 chance of harming any villager in its susceptible group and a 1 in 4 chance of harming anyone else. Upon being harmed, a weak poison will cause a Healthy villager to become Wounded, and a Wounded villager to become Dead, while a strong poison will kill the Villager outright.
The Mayor will process the effects of drinking the elixir, and inform the villager if he survived a poisoning. An autopsy by the alchemist of a corpse killed by an elixir will reveal that the cause of death was poison.
Reword “Poisoning the Well” to:-
Any villager with a vial of Elixir in his inventory may choose to pour it into the town well by removing the Elixir from their inventory and informing the Mayor of their action. The Mayor will then randomly select four living villagers who happen to be affected by it - the effects are identical to them drinking the Elixir voluntarily, except that if the Elixir was a Poison, the chance of harm is reduced to 3 in 16 for villagers in the susceptible group and 1 in 16 for all other villagers.
Replace “poison” with “Elixir” in all other rules (unless it’s a verb, in which case use the verb “drug”).
All existing poisons in the GNDT shall be renamed as elixirs, and considered by the Mayor to be strong poisons.
Amnistar: he/him
I like it, also Aaronwibin, if you’re reading this, small typo in your proposal. Murder 2. shouldn’t say NOT wounded, should say wounded.