Thursday, January 24, 2008

Proposal: Amendments to Dealing and Play

Timed out and passed 7-0 Enacted by Chivalrybean - I did not change the commented upon Wiki page, so someone, feel free to do that.

Adminned at 26 Jan 2008 21:16:03 UTC

Make the following amendments to the rule “Dealing and Play”:

After the sentence that reads: “The Dealer then posts a comment to the story post for that Hand that identifies the first three Community Cards, which cards are collectively known as the Flop.” add:

If the Dealer fails to do so within 24 hours of becoming eligible to do so, any other Player may do so.  In either case, the determination of the Community Cards for the Flop, the Turn and the River shall be in accordance with the sub-rule “Choosing Cards”.

Also add the sentence:

If the Dealer fails to do so within 24 hours of becoming eligible to do so, any other Player may do so.

after the sentences: “The Dealer then posts a comment to the story post for that Hand that identifies the fourth Community Card, which card known as the Turn.” and “The Dealer then posts a comment to the story post for that Hand that identifies the fifth Community Card, which card known as the River.”

Add a new sub-rule, entitled “Choosing Cards”, as follows.

To choose cards for purposes of determining the three cards included in the Flop, or the Turn card, or the River card, the Dealer (or Player, as applicable) proceeds as follows.  The wiki page User:Spikebrennan/Deck-1 [which can be renamed and/or moved by an admin as appropriate] is a gamestate document.  To determine the Flop cards, the Dealer (or Player, as applicable) makes a GNDT comment of HAND#x FLOP DICE52 DICE 52 DICE52.  If all of the three dice rolls result in different numbers then the Flop cards are the cards identified by the numbers corresponding to those dice rolls in the list on that Wiki page.  To determine the Turn card, the Dealer (or Player, as applicable) makes a GNDT comment of HAND#x TURN DICE 52.  If the dice roll is different than any of the Flop rolls, then the Turn card is the card identified by the number corresponding to that dice roll in the list on that Wiki page.  To determine the River card, the Dealer (or Player, as applicable) makes a GNDT comment of HAND#x RIVER DICE 52.  If the dice roll is different than any of the Flop rolls or the Turn roll, then the River card is the card identified by the number corresponding to that dice roll in the list on that Wiki page.  If the Flop roll contains any duplicate dice results, the Flop roll is re-rolled until there are no duplicates.  If the Turn or the River roll duplicates any earlier roll during that hand, the Turn or River roll is re-rolled until there are no duplicates.




24-01-2008 13:32:25 UTC



24-01-2008 13:51:56 UTC



24-01-2008 15:31:17 UTC



24-01-2008 21:04:25 UTC

Probably should rename the wiki page so that it isn’t a subpage of a user page, just for organization’s sake. But otherwise,  for

Darknight: Elder Judge he/him

24-01-2008 21:29:49 UTC



25-01-2008 20:06:49 UTC



25-01-2008 23:22:29 UTC

Iammars: yes, it should be renamed, thus my comment in the proposal.