Proposal: Amok Time
Self-Killed—Rodlen, Leader of the Awesomus Clan
Adminned at 21 Oct 2008 22:22:03 UTC
[ A suggestion for a Duel system, since we’re possibly getting ahead of ourselves. ]
Add a new Dynastic Rule, “Duels”:-
Any Clan Lord may announce a Duel, by posting a blog entry whose title begins “Duel:”.
Any Clansman may step forward to fight in that Duel by posting a comment to it, stating such an intention. The first two Clansmen to do so are considered to be the Duel’s Combatants.
To fight, each Combatant must email a list of ten sequential Combat Moves to the Clan Lord who announced the Duel. Valid Combat Moves are:-
- Punch.
- Kick.
- Grab.
- Dodge.
- Surrender.
When a Clan Lord has received a list of ten Combat Moves from each Combatant, he works out the results of the ten Combat Rounds, in sequence. In each Combat Round, the Combatant will perform their specified Combat Move, to the following effect.
- If one Combatant Punched and the other Kicked, the Punching player is kicked back and takes Damage.
- If one Combatant Kicked and the other Grabbed, the Kicking player is thrown to the floor and takes Damage.
- If one Combatant Grabbed and the other Punched, the Grabbing player is intercepted and takes Damage.
- If a Combatant Surrenders, the Combat ends with that round.
At the end of Combat, the Clansman with the Health nearest to “Superb” (if one exists) is declared the winner, unless one (and only one) Combatant surrendered, in which case the other is automatically the winner. The winner gains 1 Honor.
Once the Combat has been processed, the Clan Lord posts the results in a further comment to the Duel’s blog entry, updates the GNDT stats of the Combatants if required, and the Duel ends.
If “Grabthar’s Hammer” passed, add the following to the Combat Moves:-
- Use an Item (specifying one of the Items the Clansman was holding when they accepted the Duel).
...and add “and listing the Items they are holding” after “stating such an intention”.