Proposal: An Axe To Spend
Unpopular (1-8)—Clucky
Adminned at 10 Apr 2020 21:18:24 UTC
If there is no rule called “Action Points” then this proposal does nothing.
Otherwise, add a new subrule to “Action Points” called “Grinding” as follows:
As a Weekly Action, a Player may Grind, spending two Action Points to reduce the Action Points of every other Player who has at least one Action Point by one.
Clucky: he/him
Keeping at just a
for now, but don’t really understand the point of this. Feels like its just a way to go “I don’t wanna play so you all can’t play either”.
Also results it in being advantageous to spend your AP as soon as you get them, so if someone Grind’s they won’t effect you. Which kills the point of Action Points which is that you don’t have to take actions right away