Proposal: An event for all the family, surely.
Passed unanimously 4-0 (reached quorum). Enacted by smith. (thanks for the wiki formatting)
Adminned at 10 Oct 2005 07:01:10 UTC
Add an event to the event list in the Events rule:
Note: This text is in Wiki format for easy adminning
=== Hostile Takeover of (Territory): ===
* Requisites:
** (Territory) must be a Territory in which the Country currently occupies.
** The Country must have at least one population in (Territory) for each 3 native population in (Territory) or portion thereof.
** If the Country ever has 0 population in (Territory) while this event is Fomenting, this event is not fomenting anymore and is removed from the Events title in eir homeland listing.
* Cost:
**Initial cost: None
**Cost per Period: DICEY population in (Territory), where Y is equal to the Country’s population in (Territory)
**Number of Periods: 3 Periods
* Effects:
**When this Event happens, the Country Fomenting this Event must, in order:
**# Reduce the native population of (Territory) by DICEZ, where Z is equal to twice the Country’s population in (Territory).
**# Reduce the native population of (Territory) by E = DICEW, where W is the native population in (Territory).
**# Increase the native population of all adjacent non-oceanic Territories by E / N rounded up, where N is the number of Territories, including Oceanic territories, adjacent to (Territory).
**# Change (Territory) to be controlled by the Country.
** When this Event happens, if there are forces from a Country not Fomenting this Event present in (Territory), these forces are called ‘’‘POW units’‘’ and are noted in the World page. (i.e. Population: XX (+YY POW units from ZZ))
** Within 24 hours of this Event happening, POW units in (Territory) may be moved with a free frontier or normal transportation by the country they are from.
** 24 hours after this Event happens, if there are POW units left in (Territory), they are destroyed.
Remove the first two sentences of the Hostile Takeover subrule, and change the third sentence to read:
3 days after a post labeled “Hostile Takeover of ((Territory))” occured, several events occur (in order, but logically instantaneously):
Three days after this proposal passes, repeal the Hostile Takeover subrule.