Proposal: And… Action!
Adminned at 24 Sep 2008 20:09:11 UTC
If the proposal “More stats! More fun!” fails, this proposal does nothing.
Rename rule 2.6 (“Training”) to “Dragon Actions” and give it the following content:
Each dragon has a Status, to be tracked by the GNDT. The Status may be either “Training”, “Healing”, “In the Open”, or “Fight #X”, with X being the number of a fight. Fights are numbered in the order of their beginning.
Each Breeder may change their dragon’s Status between “Healing”, “Training” and “In the Open” as a daily action, if the dragon is not involved in a fight and has not done a Dragon Action on that day yet. Fights can only be begun and ended as described the sub-rule “Fight”.
If a dragon’s Status is “Healing”, they may use Healing, as described in the sub-rule “Healing”, as a daily action.
If a dragon’s Status is “Training”, they may use Training, as described in the sub-rule “Training”, as a daily action.
If a dragon’s Status is “In the Open”, they may, as a daily action, either use both Training and Healing on the same day (each once), or start a fight against other dragons with the Status “In the Open”, as described in the sub-rule “Fight”
Starting a fight is currently not possible.
Create a sub-rule to “Dragon Actions” with the title “Healing” and the content:
When using Healing, roll 1DICE20 and add the result to the dragon’s Heartbeat. If this results in the Heartbeat being higher than 100, set the Heartbeat to 100.
Create a sub-rule to “Dragon Actions” with the title “Training” and the content:
When using Training, the dragon uses one of the training methods described in the sub-rules to “Training”.
This training will modify the stats of the dragon. This modification depends only on the dragon’s color and its stats before the training, and may contain random elements.
Create a sub-rule to “Dragon Actions” with the title “Fight” and the content:
When a fight begins, all dragons involved in it change their Status to “Fight #X”, with X being the number of the fight. After a fight begins, no other dragons can enter into it.
A fight ends for a dragon involved if the dragon either dies or flees, or is the only one left, or the remaining alive dragons in the fight all declare peace. When a fight ends for a dragon, and it is still alive, set its Status to “Healing”.
In rule “Vital Signs” replace the text
A new Dragon has a value of 5 for all stats except for Heartbeat and a Heartbeat of 100.
A new Dragon has a value of 5 for all stats except for Heartbeat, a Heartbeat of 100, and a Status of “Healing”.
Set each dragon’s Status to “Healing”.
This should develop the framework a bit. The details are still open, and starting a fight is explicitly marked as not yet possible. This precaution would be removed when the fighting system is developed.
arthexis: he/him
I don’t agree on the In the Open or Fight statuses. actually I don’t think we need a status column in the gndt at all