Proposal: And it is awesome
reached a quorum and timed out, final vote 10-0—Yoda
Adminned at 11 Mar 2008 15:50:50 UTC
Create a new rule named “Treasure” with this text:
There exists a finite amount of game objects called “Treasure”, which can only be created by a successful Proposal.
No Captain may come in possession of Treasure in any way other than those specified by the rules.
There shall be a Gamestate document in the Wiki that will track each existing Treasure and it’s owner (if it has one).
For a Treasure to exist, it’s Name and Gold Value must be defined by the Proposal that created it.
No two Treasures may share the same Name. The Gold Value must be a positive integer.
When a Captain acquires Treasure, e may keep it for as long as e wishes, or sell it whenever e is at Port.
When a Captain sells Treasure, it ceases to exist and that Captain adds it’s Gold Value to er own Gold.
I don’t really get the point of this.