Proposal: Anonymous proposals
Create a new dynastic rule, “Anonymous Proposals”, with the following text:
As a weekly action, a Seeker may privately send the Custodian the text of a hypothetical proposal, labelling it as an Anonymous Proposal submission. Upon receiving such a submission, the Custodian should rewrite the proposal in their own words (keeping the gameplay intent of the proposal approximately intact, but potentially using different wording in any created or modified rules), and then submit it as a proposal with [Anonymous] in its title. (The Custodian must not put [Anonymous] in the title of proposals except in this circumstance.) The Custodian can submit a proposal this way even if they already have 2 proposals pending or have already submitted 3 proposals this way, and proposals submitted this way do not count as proposals for the purpose of the 2-pending-proposal or 3-proposals-per-day limits.
A mechanic to allow proposals to be submitted anonymously via the Custodian. There are two reasons I think this would be good: a) it allows Seekers who are less confident in proposal-writing to shape the ruleset, via having the Custodian rewrite the proposal for them; b) if we want to in the future give Influence for enacted proposals, the ability to submit them anonymously might be important so that players don’t vote down proposals submitted by leading Seekers. This is restricted to a weekly action both to reduce my workload, and because these proposals don’t cost slots.
Josh: he/they
I don’t expect you to abuse it, but I think this makes it legal for you to sling [Anonymous] into the title of any proposal and thus completely disregard the limits for your own sake.