Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Proposal: Anonymous proposals

Create a new dynastic rule, “Anonymous Proposals”, with the following text:

As a weekly action, a Seeker may privately send the Custodian the text of a hypothetical proposal, labelling it as an Anonymous Proposal submission. Upon receiving such a submission, the Custodian should rewrite the proposal in their own words (keeping the gameplay intent of the proposal approximately intact, but potentially using different wording in any created or modified rules), and then submit it as a proposal with [Anonymous] in its title. (The Custodian must not put [Anonymous] in the title of proposals except in this circumstance.) The Custodian can submit a proposal this way even if they already have 2 proposals pending or have already submitted 3 proposals this way, and proposals submitted this way do not count as proposals for the purpose of the 2-pending-proposal or 3-proposals-per-day limits.


A mechanic to allow proposals to be submitted anonymously via the Custodian. There are two reasons I think this would be good: a) it allows Seekers who are less confident in proposal-writing to shape the ruleset, via having the Custodian rewrite the proposal for them; b) if we want to in the future give Influence for enacted proposals, the ability to submit them anonymously might be important so that players don’t vote down proposals submitted by leading Seekers. This is restricted to a weekly action both to reduce my workload, and because these proposals don’t cost slots.


Josh: he/they

12-03-2025 12:36:32 UTC

I don’t expect you to abuse it, but I think this makes it legal for you to sling [Anonymous] into the title of any proposal and thus completely disregard the limits for your own sake.

ais523: Custodian

12-03-2025 12:40:13 UTC

@Josh: It doesn’t, the ability to disregard the limit only exists for a “proposal submitted this way”.

The weirdness is that if I put [Anonymous] into the title of a proposal that wasn’t submitted by someone else, it still counts against the limit but the other players have no way to check that, so it would potentially allow me to create a proposal that was illegal (and thus unable to change the ruleset) but that nobody else could tell was illegal. I’d get no benefit from doing that, though (and am generally very opposed to doing things that make it hard to determine what the ruleset is).

Josh: he/they

12-03-2025 12:44:24 UTC

‘This way’ is vague, though; it can be interpreted as referring to the tag rather than the submission route.

ais523: Custodian

12-03-2025 12:47:26 UTC

I don’t think so – that interpretation would refer to “submit it” but with no referent for “it”.

Josh: he/they

12-03-2025 13:24:24 UTC

God, this again.

I will vote against this under the current wording, do with that as you will. Ok?

ais523: Custodian

12-03-2025 14:04:14 UTC

I’ve tried to clarify.

In general, though, I think the recent tendency to add extra wording to block things that were already blocked by the rules is harmful – it a) makes the rules harder to read and b) is probably more likely to open up scams than close them (e.g. look at what happened at the end of last dynasty).

I guess part of the issue is that many BlogNomic players don’t have English as a first language, and therefore the meaning of a rule might not be entirely clear to them even if the English wording is unambiguous – but I don’t know what the correct way to solve that problem is.

Josh: he/they

12-03-2025 14:17:25 UTC

I agree that more words is generally harmful. I think there is a nearer way around this specific issue - changing “this way” to “from an Anonymous Proposal submission” would do it.

ais523: Custodian

12-03-2025 15:24:30 UTC

I think that might be less clear – I’m not sure “from” has the right meaning. (In any case, it’s probably for the best to ban me from bluffing anonymous proposals – even though I wouldn’t do that it’s useful for other Seekers to know that I can’t do that.)


12-03-2025 16:15:08 UTC

I think the proposal-writing bottleneck for the active players who aren’t very confident in proposal-writing is mostly a psychological one. It can hurt a lot to have a proposal you spent a lot of time on shot down, especially when it happens many times in a row, the other players seem to be able to get proposals passed very easily, and you can’t really effectively argue with their given reasons because the average 10+-year-veteran BlogNomic player is incredibly persuasive. I don’t expect this to help point (a) very much for that reason, and will probably be against just because it gives active players an additional slot a week

JonathanDark: he/him

12-03-2025 16:43:33 UTC

Honestly, the best way to get players confident in proposal-writing is to let them keep trying on their own and encourage them to ask for more feedback if they don’t understand why they are not successful. We could consider a longer-term Mentorship program if newer players still find this process scary.

Heck, even those of us who have some experience at proposal-writing still get it wrong and still can have plenty of rejected proposals. I know I’ve learned it’s best just to try ideas and throw them at the collective wall to see if they stick or not.

As far as the Influence issue goes, I think there’s general resistance to the idea anyway, so unless such a mechanic actually gets enacted, I don’t see a need to have the cart before the horse.

ais523: Custodian

12-03-2025 17:23:27 UTC

At least my solution to the psychological problem is that, for most of the proposals I propose, I don’t really care whether they get enacted or not (in fact, I’ve been known to write proposals that I actively want to be voted down).

Josh: he/they

12-03-2025 19:10:03 UTC

AGAINST-leaning imperial

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