Monday, February 27, 2012

Proposal: Another Fix

4-2. Times out. ~~ChronosPhaenon

Adminned at 01 Mar 2012 17:55:21 UTC

In the rule “Jam Session” replace

If the Jam Session has three or more members, he shall then inform each member of that Jam Session of the style of a random other member of that Jam Session.


If the Jam Session has three or more members who are not Band Members, he shall then inform each member of that Jam Session who is not a Band Member of the style of a random other member of that Jam Session who is not a Band Member.

Currently its perfectly legal to join a jam session, then get added to the band, then have the jam session resolved, getting around the whole “Jamming is for not band members” rule



27-02-2012 14:08:29 UTC

against That is intentional, so that Band Members cannot break up a jam session by recruiting it’s members.

Clucky: he/him

27-02-2012 17:06:40 UTC

Then its unfair. Anyone who joins the jam session has a 2/3 chance of getting added to the band once it resets. It turns into a race between joining the jam session and when the band gets reset.


28-02-2012 15:58:10 UTC

against I agree with Bucky, but think that there should at least be a stipulation that Band Members be informed only regarding players they haven’t discovered.


28-02-2012 17:10:18 UTC

@ngeron: You should become a player first if you want your vote to be counted. See rule 1.2 “Musicians”.

Bucky: I thought Jam Sessions was meant to help non-Band Members get back in the game. Being recruited in the Band seems more than fair.

for (but you can try and talk me into changing my vote)


29-02-2012 00:13:27 UTC

The problem is that the band could recruit the third member of a jam session to prevent it from doing anything.

Darknight: Elder Judge he/him

29-02-2012 01:31:12 UTC



29-02-2012 01:51:57 UTC

against I agree with Bucky only because there are so few players. It’s kind of easy to recruit everyone but two in the band when there are 6 players, which makes it impossible to make Jam Sessions at all.

Clucky: he/him

29-02-2012 04:24:32 UTC

Then why keep band members out of jam sessions? It makes it so that it isn’t always good to be in the band.


29-02-2012 15:40:28 UTC
