Thursday, September 27, 2012

Proposal: Another Shot at This Class Thing

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 29 Sep 2012 03:59:32 UTC

This Proposal is a Correction. Citation here.

This Proposal contains



Enact a new rule called “Classes” with the following text:

A Class is a named list of Tasks possibly having Punishments or Rewards attached. Existing Classes are listed as a Sub Rule of this Rule, each Class occupying its own section bearing the Name of the Class.

A Student Performing a Class is referred to as the “Learner” in the Class’ text.

A Class shall have a Name that is different from all other Class’ names and doesn’t contain non-alphanumeric characters,

for the purpose of this paragraph, spaces are considered alphanumeric.

A Class may only be created by an enacted Proposal.

A Class shall specify requirements for its Storing, Clearing, Performing and Failure Conditions, as well as the Punishments that may trigger if the Class is failed, and/or the Rewards that may trigger if the class is Performed.

A Class may have up to 3 Tasks. Each Task specifies actions that shall be taken upon Performing the Task. When all tasks in a Class are performed, that Class is said to have been Performed.

A Class can be Cleared - unless otherwise specified by the Class’ text - by it’s Leaner when it’s Failed or Performed. Clearing a Class this way doesn’t effect it’s Punishments or Rewards.

This should fix the problems of the other Proposal.
For example, making Classes sub rules definitely makes them Gamestate; and, now, classes can only be created by Proposals.
I tried to “use white ink” in the text to give my changes some emphasis, but it messed it up, so I had to edit it for legibility reasons.


IceFromHell: Idle

27-09-2012 01:38:27 UTC

The current formatation of the Ink “feature” is breaking the lines. Can someone with a better understanding of why that happens propose a change to that rule?
Thanks in advance.

quirck: he/himIdle

27-09-2012 07:59:47 UTC

</font> font tag isn’t closed :(

Testing ink:
<font color=“green”>green?</font>
<span green”>and this way..</span>

quirck: he/himIdle

27-09-2012 08:00:08 UTC

Oh, so only in posts does it work… Eh

quirck: he/himIdle

27-09-2012 08:48:12 UTC

“Students should not vote FOR a Correction unless it proposes substantially the same changes as the Original and it fixes the errors described.” There were no Rewards and Failure Conditions, moreover, it seems that after a Student once has performed a Class, he may remove it, whereas in the earlier version the Student had to perform the Class every week.

All Classes are listed in one subrule? What’s a section of a subrule? Wouldn’t it be more convenient to make each class a separate subrule with the name of the class?

And class names shouldn’t be long, or we might want to introduce another codes :)

Kevan: he/himIdle

27-09-2012 09:38:40 UTC

Not sure if the Ink is legal here - the HTML is using curved quotemarks, which prevent it showing up correctly.

against This seems a bit too similar to the existing Grading system, really.

Bucky: Idle

27-09-2012 14:09:15 UTC

against  per quirck; this is not a correction.

Josh: he/they

27-09-2012 14:31:27 UTC

I remember a proposal in one of the very first dynasties I played which ended up having to go to a vote three times before it finally got passed; the dynasty ended about twelve hours after it was enacted. I don’t think I’ve reproposed anything since.

So I sympathise with your reproposal woes, but as Quirck points out, the ruleset makes it arguably illegal to vote FOR this. So against

quirck: he/himIdle

28-09-2012 13:08:53 UTC


IceFromHell: Idle

28-09-2012 20:03:54 UTC

quirck: nope, I verified, the “ink” </font> is there. Anyway, you’re right, I made changes which I didn’t explained - which I though weren’t necessary, but it turns out it is - so this isn’t a correction. (Although I really made the other changes to fix other problems I saw that could happen). against

Kevan: that might be the problem I had, I’ll test that later. I agree that it is similar, but it could work well as a paralel system, with a few interceptions.

Josh: This is my first Nomic, and reproposing is giving me a lot of information on how the game mechanisms work, specially from the info I get in the comments. So this is working for me, for now.

quirck: he/himIdle

29-09-2012 07:26:04 UTC

IceFromHell, “<font color=“white”>for the purpose of this paragraph, spaces are considered alphanumeric.”