Proposal: Another Variable, another Rule
Adminned at 30 Nov 2008 21:30:32 UTC
Under rule 2.6, create a subrule titled ‘Random Occurances’, with the following block-quoted text:
Any Character may, as a weekly action, generate a Random Occurrence by rolling “DICEX DICEX†in the GNDT, where X is the number of Locations in the “Locations†wiki page. If the rolls are the same, he shall roll again. Otherwise, the Location corresponding to the first roll (counting down in the list of Locations on the “Locations†wiki page) is called the Location of Increased Bucks whereas the Location corresponding to the second roll (counting down in the list of Locations on the “Locations†wiki page) is called the Location of Decreased Bucks. He shall then add 5 to the Bucks of all Characters located at the Location of Positive Impact, subtract 5 from the Relationship of all Characters located at the Location of Negative Impact. This may not take a Character’s Bucks below zero. Add 1 to his PP and the PP of all the Characters whose Relationship was changed in this way. He shall then post an entry to the main blog detailing this.
The Buck cap is to prevent people from teaming up on a rich man to stop him from reaping whatever benefit bucks may give in the future.