Proposal: Ant Nauseam
Passes at 9-0. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 27 Jan 2011 00:10:47 UTC
Add a new rule, “Double Antendre”:
Each Ant has an Antribute, which is tracked in the GNDT. New Ants start as Obediant. The different Antributes are:
* Obediant.
* Delinquant. Whenever an Obediant Ant starts carrying a Twig, they become Delinquant.
* Inantimate. Whenever an Ant becomes dead, they also become Inantimate.
* Reincarnant. Whenever an Ant ceases to be dead, they become Reincarnant.
* Expectant. Mature Queens are always Expectant.
Create a GNDT column for Antributes. Set every Ant’s Antribute to Obediant, and the Queen’s to Expectant.