Proposal: Antagonist
Passed, 9-1, reaches Quorum. 3 counted votes with the text “You gotta earn it”, so Angry Grasshopper becomes a Grue. Gentlemen, may I suggest a lamp?
Adminned at 14 Dec 2005 07:09:42 UTC
Add a rule called “Characters” and reading as follows:
=== Characters ===
Each subsection of this Rule defines a Role that may be assumed by Protagonists. A Protagonist may assume a maximum of one Role at any time. Protagonists’ Roles are denoted in the GNDT field “Role”. New Protagonists have no Role.
==== Grue ====
The classic monster. Eats fresh flesh, flees from light. There may be a maximum of two Grues at any time.
Add the “Role” field to the GNDT. Make Angry Grasshopper a Grue.
If over half the comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Gotta earn it”, ignore the previous sentence.
The Lone Amigo: