Friday, October 14, 2022

Proposal: Anti-Aliasing Aggregate Actions [Appendix]

Fails 1-7, gaining Quorum Against after timing out. -Bucky

Adminned at 16 Oct 2022 21:30:27 UTC

In the definition of “Hiatus” in the “Other” section of the appendix, change

If BlogNomic is on Hiatus, Dynastic Actions may not be taken (except where the rule defining the action explicitly requires it to be taken during Hiatus)


If BlogNomic is on Hiatus, Dynastic Actions may not be taken (except where the rule defining the action explicitly requires it to be taken during Hiatus, or the action is carried out entirely by executing actions defined in the core rules)

Keep dynastic actions like Idleflipping, which are defined in a way that can be performed by taking core actions, from accidentally blocking those core actions during hiatus.


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

14-10-2022 17:38:02 UTC

This seems decently reasonable to my untrained eyes.

Josh: he/they

14-10-2022 17:45:03 UTC

I feel like “a dynastic action that is carried out entirely by executing actions defined in the core rules” is inherently tautological; of its a dynastic action then it can’t, by definition, consist entirely of actions defined in the core rules


14-10-2022 18:02:36 UTC

Suppose there were a dynastic rule with “A player may Register Objection by casting a vote AGAINST a Votable Matter after its author has commented on it”.

Suppose further that game is in Hiatus, there is a pending CfJ, and the CfJ’s author has commented on it. Would it be legal to vote against that CfJ?

Under the current rules, it would be illegal, because doing so would be Registering Objection, a dynastic action.

Under this proposal it would be legal to Register Objection, because casting the vote is an action defined in the core rules and it’s not necessary to do else to Register Objection.


14-10-2022 18:18:08 UTC

I see your point Bucky. Basically, actions (seem to be) are strictly defined by the mechanical input. If two separate actions have identical input, then doing that input performs both actions. Yes?

I disagree, even if I’d like to agree because your view is more mechanically pure, because for practical purposes, *intent* counts as well. We have blunders and mistakes all of the time, some of the which could have been the strict input that cause other actions, but we just don’t count them as such because they weren’t intended by the player to be that.

So even if two different actions have identical inputs, I’m inclined to believe that intent ends up dictating what action (or actions) end up actually happening.


14-10-2022 18:36:55 UTC

So where your proposal says “When a Partygoer goes from Idle to Unidle, or Unidle to Idle, that Partygoer has Idleflipped. A Partygoer can only Idleflip once every four days (96 hours)”, you intend for Admins to be able to Core Idle themselves and then Dynastic Idleflip themselves or vice versa without either cooldown applying?


14-10-2022 18:44:43 UTC

Oh, hm, I intended the cooldown to apply to both actually.


14-10-2022 18:44:53 UTC

Oh, hm, I intended the cooldown to apply to both actually.


15-10-2022 13:14:39 UTC


Josh: he/they

15-10-2022 14:02:23 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

16-10-2022 02:45:21 UTC


Darknight: Elder Judge he/him

16-10-2022 13:57:10 UTC



16-10-2022 16:39:53 UTC



16-10-2022 18:57:50 UTC

I am somewhat confused as to why this is failing, because I think it’s a clear and potentially serious problem that it could accidentally hiatus-lock the game with no rule-compliant means of recovery.

Josh: he/they

16-10-2022 19:00:59 UTC

I mean, it currently can’t as there’s no mechanics that do what this proposal describes; and I’m happy that as a matter of best practice we probably shouldn’t be allowing dynastic rules to have that kind of parallel-core functionality, for this reason amongst several others


16-10-2022 20:25:20 UTC


Snisbo: she/they

16-10-2022 20:56:43 UTC
