Monday, November 27, 2023

Proposal: Any claim is better than no claim

Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed 2 votes to 7 by Kevan.

Adminned at 28 Nov 2023 18:06:49 UTC

To the rule “Transition of Power”, after “their next-strongest Claims are successively compared”, add “, with Heirs lacking such a claim losing the comparison to Heirs that have such a claim.”

If there is a rule “Attributes”, append the following sentence to the rule “Transition of Power”:

In the event that all successive Claims have been exhausted, the Heir with the lowest Age among those whose Claims were exhausted last achieves victory.

Append the following sentence to the rule “Transition of Power” as a separate paragraph:

Should the Old King Perish without causing an Heir to achieve victory, and no Heir has previously achieved victory during the current dynasty, a Civil War begins. If that Civil War is still ongoing 48 hours after it begins, the game enters a Metadynasty and this rule then repeals itself.


Vovix: he/him

27-11-2023 19:06:22 UTC

I actually considered including something very similar, I just figured “two people are completely tied so the winner is whoever gets their DoV passed” was also in-flavor. I’m on board with a fall-back resolution mechanic, too, though.

Zack: he/him

27-11-2023 20:21:15 UTC

Can a rule repeal itself or does an heir have to be permitted to repeal it?

Josh: he/they

27-11-2023 22:53:58 UTC

against I don’t want a metadynasty.

Kevan: he/him

27-11-2023 22:55:55 UTC

Also not a fan of threatening a metadynasty as a fail state, when we have to then play that metadynasty.

Or of nobody-wins fail states in general, really, for a game that takes a month to play.


SingularByte: he/him

27-11-2023 23:07:06 UTC

I’d likely vote in favour of more detailed tie-breakers, so at least someone gets a win at the end.


27-11-2023 23:11:25 UTC

for We can define what a metadynasty is, and what a civil war is, because they don’t actually mean anything yet? So a metadynasty is just a term for a big civil war. Also, this does provide a tiebreaker of sorts: the youngest heir!

SingularByte: he/him

27-11-2023 23:13:44 UTC

A metadynasty is defined as a dynasty without an emperor. They tend to not be well liked by people who have been through a couple of them.

Kevan: he/him

27-11-2023 23:31:46 UTC

I feel like we have this conversation every time someone proposes a metadynasty fail state, but does saying “the game enters a Metadynasty” even do anything? The dynastic rules remain in place, the player/emperor terms don’t change, the dynasty doesn’t formally end. Vovix maybe stops being Emperor.


27-11-2023 23:33:08 UTC

The purpose of a 48 hour civil war is to give everyone a chance to propose an end to the civil war with an alternate resolution.

Josh: he/they

27-11-2023 23:44:08 UTC

We have probably the best part of a month before we get there; I’d rather play that out, without the threat of a meta written into the ruleset so the discord can activate it for japes again.

JonathanDark: he/him

27-11-2023 23:59:23 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

28-11-2023 00:11:00 UTC

Upon further reflection, CoV against


28-11-2023 10:31:51 UTC


Vovix: he/him

28-11-2023 17:32:44 UTC

Seems like both in flavor and player preference, the better solution to “no clear successor” is to descend into chaos and figure out a resolution on the spot. against

Zack: he/him

28-11-2023 18:05:41 UTC

imperial Not opposed to a metadynasty but I think it should happen more naturally and out of necessity.

JonathanDark: he/him

28-11-2023 18:07:42 UTC

It sounds more chaotic when you put it like that, but really, we won’t know the actual issues until we get there, which means we have the chance to create a better solution than just “go to metadynasty”. No sense in giving up before we even know what the real problems are.