Proposal: Any claim is better than no claim
Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed 2 votes to 7 by Kevan.
Adminned at 28 Nov 2023 18:06:49 UTC
To the rule “Transition of Power”, after “their next-strongest Claims are successively compared”, add “, with Heirs lacking such a claim losing the comparison to Heirs that have such a claim.”
If there is a rule “Attributes”, append the following sentence to the rule “Transition of Power”:
In the event that all successive Claims have been exhausted, the Heir with the lowest Age among those whose Claims were exhausted last achieves victory.
Append the following sentence to the rule “Transition of Power” as a separate paragraph:
Should the Old King Perish without causing an Heir to achieve victory, and no Heir has previously achieved victory during the current dynasty, a Civil War begins. If that Civil War is still ongoing 48 hours after it begins, the game enters a Metadynasty and this rule then repeals itself.
Vovix: he/him
I actually considered including something very similar, I just figured “two people are completely tied so the winner is whoever gets their DoV passed” was also in-flavor. I’m on board with a fall-back resolution mechanic, too, though.