Proposal: [Appendix] Half the Pressure
Enacted 5-3. Josh
Adminned at 30 Jul 2021 09:22:39 UTC
In the subrule “Official Posts”, change “An official post may be altered by its author if it is less than eight hours old” to “An official post may be altered by its author if it is less than 4 hours old”.
Maybe we overshot with 8.
Josh: he/they
I like the 8 hour window; if this dynasty has demonstrated anything it’s that the cycle of the game is currently at around the 12 hour mark, and that most people don’t want to check in too many times in the day. Many proposals this dynasty have been improved thanks to scrutiny from multiple timezones, and even the slightly slower queue doesn’t feel to me like a massive cost of that. In short: I’m a fan. Happy to keep it at 8.